We Don't Have Time's post

Are you ready for #EarthDay? 🌍 How can nature help us solve the climate crisis? Join us on April 22 for a live broadcast. Check out the full program: https://wedonthavetime.org/events/nature Ask questions directly to the speakers in the comment field. Write which speaker you address before your inquiry). They will interact on stage and here on We Don't Have Time. #WeDontHaveTime @Ericsson @Exponential_Roadmap @Terraformation @earthday.org Part 1, Stockholm studio: https://youtu.be/JoTkF2mx8KY?t=834

Pinned by We Don't Have Time

We Don't Have Time

146 w

🟢 Watch PART II of the broadcast from Washington, D.C. Studio here: https://youtu.be/Y_elTSUzf_0?t=87

  • Devil911 Gaming

    7 w

    <a href="https://googlesolitaire.org/" rel="nofollow"> google solitär</a> browser-based nature reignites these discussions, emphasizing the need for balance between work and leisure.

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      13 w

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      • Devil911 Gaming

        14 w

        i will write about you at my site click here for more info https://literalnie-fun.pl/"

        • Devil911 Gaming

          14 w

          kindly make a video about tips and trick about wheelie bike . https://literalnie-fun.pl/wheelie-bike-unblocked/

          • Devil911 Gaming

            14 w

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            • Infinite Craft

              17 w

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              • Paraulogic

                26 w

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                  • Net Worth Gala

                    26 w

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                    • Tuan Cho

                      31 w

                      Surely everyone knows that the world is seriously polluted, protecting the environment is a very necessary job at this time and that requires every country to contribute. https://strands-nyt.org/

                      • victorpatrick

                        89 w

                        It's important to engage in events and initiatives like #EarthDay to learn more about the role of nature in addressing the climate crisis and to support actions that promote sustainability and environmental conservation. https://rankdle.io/

                        • Eddie Nelson

                          100 w

                          Looking forward to talking about our plans to reduce emissions and adopt a greener lifestyle. https://griddle-wordle.com/

                          • Kane Lani

                            128 w

                            Great. I'm looking forward to it. Can I share these amazing things on my https://quordlegame.io/ and https://moviedle.io/ website?

                            • Sa'ad Hassan Madar

                              145 w

                              It was great day. And very good point were mentioned to save our planet

                                1 more replies
                            • wagdi alqadase

                              146 w

                              We want to verify the hope and optimism that was at the last meeting in Glasgow. Are the industrialized countries committed to reducing industries and disposing of waste in a way that is not harmful to the environment? We want the oceans to be treated from the disposal of waste in them, and marine animals to be secured with a painless life, and also we are with them. Are there effective results from that time?

                              • wagdi alqadase

                                146 w

                                We want to verify the hope and optimism that was at the last meeting in Glasgow. Are the industrialized countries committed to reducing industries and disposing of waste in a way that is not harmful to the environment? We want the oceans to be treated from the disposal of waste in them, and marine animals to be secured with a painless life, and also we are with them. Are there effective results from that time?

                                • Oluwatobi Akin

                                  146 w

                                  How can we further integrate kids into this campaign. Informed kids would grow with the knowledge of climate change, learn to take actions and demand such from other kids and adults.

                                  • Oluwatobi Akin

                                    146 w

                                    Our actions or inactions would determine the fate of our planet. Let's keep it green, live smart and be climate sensitive.

                                    • Wolf H.

                                      146 w

                                      How do you view the concept of ECOCIDE (criminalization of massive destruction of ecosystems)?

                                      • Valeria Uriarte

                                        146 w

                                        Es realmente el transporte a baterías la solución? De la movilidad futura? No es menos contaminante el hidrógeno verde? Porqué no existe mayor incentivo hacia ese matriz energética vehicular? La recarga de los autos eléctricos requiere mucha cantidad de energía

                                        • Wagdi Alqadase

                                          146 w

                                          I want to ask, can we reconcile between green jobs and the disappearance of fossil fuels and the absence of reports that cause a deficit for the youth of Al-Nahedh

                                          • Nicole Mueller

                                            146 w

                                            Hello, Thank Earthday.org, panelists for sharing your projects and views. Let´s not forget ocean action is also climate action! Our one and only interconnected OCEAN has always acted as Carbon sink but is now reaching or has reached its limits. This at a great cost to its species and habitats! We need to urgently promote and implement ocean litearcy. This allows us to share scientific knowledge but aso decrease Illegal fishing, uregulated and unreporting fishing (IUU). We have no planet or ocean B!!

                                            • wagdi alqadase

                                              146 w

                                              Greetings to you from the decision maker from Yemen 🇾🇪 In the momentum of June 2019 and a member of the youth publishers in the world in Mexico and a future member of the British Council

                                              • wagdi alqadase

                                                146 w

                                                I want to ask, can we reconcile between green jobs and the disappearance of fossil fuels and the absence of reports that cause a deficit for the youth of Al-Nahedh

                                                • Joseph Fanka

                                                  146 w

                                                  Thank you all

                                                  • Mary Ann Kaufman

                                                    146 w

                                                    Thank you

                                                    • Mary Ann Kaufman

                                                      146 w

                                                      I am vegetarian though.

                                                      • Magaji Obaike

                                                        146 w

                                                        The Global South is still a hotbed of fossil fuel exploration and flaring, and there's hardly any talk about this continue environmental crime and potential to frustrate collective effort. We must leave no one behind in this ambitious journey to maintain and sustain the 1.5°c

                                                        • Mary Ann Kaufman

                                                          146 w

                                                          I like Anthony’s idea for funding regenerative ag. I am doing urban food garden.

                                                          • Mary Ann Kaufman

                                                            146 w

                                                            What about urban farmers?

                                                            • Kurt Mamushet

                                                              146 w

                                                              Why is the transition to electrification of Volvo slower than other car manufacturers such as Tesla?

                                                              • Johannes Luiga

                                                                146 w

                                                                Truly encouraging to hear the panel talk about regenerative agriculture and underlining that we need to assure that it’s profitable for the local farmers to farm in this way💚

                                                                • Dr Muhammad Masood

                                                                  146 w

                                                                  The UN environment change program cannot succeed unless all countries work on it. The law exists in every country ... Why does the UN fail to implement?

                                                                  • Dr Muhammad Masood

                                                                    146 w

                                                                    Many laws about environment but no implementation own

                                                                    • Olisaeloka Osita

                                                                      146 w


                                                                      • Dr Muhammad Masood

                                                                        146 w

                                                                        Must need reduce population and change health polices worldwide Try to reduce carbon in air....

                                                                        • Samridhi Choudhary

                                                                          146 w

                                                                          We are facing the new crisis happening with Antartica this year? It has saw several decrease in its temperature. It's a matter of great concern !

                                                                          • Jenipher Makokha

                                                                            146 w

                                                                            What is this quality of life?Does it mean if we ruin our sustainability life we won't have quality life?

                                                                            • Norah Jordan

                                                                              146 w

                                                                              Why aren’t we starting by doing something that would minimally disrupt people, but have a massive impact NOW like slowing down drivers to 80kmph? Huge impact on emissions and people will adjust!

                                                                              • Ted Weber

                                                                                146 w

                                                                                The rainforests of Sumatra are some of the last remaining in the world, and the only place where elephants, tigers, rhinos and orangutans live together. But they’re being intentionally burned and bulldozed to clear forest for Conflict Palm Oil and pulp plantations – a big problem for both the health of local communities, the rainforests, and for our climate. One of the biggest culprits in Indonesia is the Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) group that controls millions of acres of land used for both pulp and palm oil production. Despite RGE’s track record of mass deforestation, fires, community conflicts and human rights abuses, Kao still sources palm oil from RGE and maintains a joint-venture with its palm oil arm APICAL. By doing so, Kao is complicit in destroying livelihoods of Indigenous communities such as the Pargamanan-Bintang Maria community.

                                                                                • Johannes Luiga

                                                                                  146 w

                                                                                  Thanks Ted for sharing this important information. Please create a Climate warning ⚠️ to RGE and APICAL

                                                                                • Jane Jackson

                                                                                  146 w

                                                                                  See www.80max.ie for cutting transport emissions.