Lisa M. Bailey: writing + marketing with integrity's post

HOW TO TELL THE STORY OF YOUR BUSINESS' GOOD WORK IN THE WORLD -- Part 1 I often see organizations doing really good work -- for nature, for humanity -- but having a tough time telling the story of that work. Here's a tip: when it comes to communicating your good work, talk LESS about YOU (your company) and MORE about the people you're talking to. Marketing is a conversation, you know? Imagine specifically who you're talking to. Think not of an "audience" but an individual who epitomizes that audience; then speak to them! Go beyond standard demographics: create a complete character profile. > What doubts do they have? > What do they aspire to? > Why do they value what you're offering? > What will hold them back from it? When you know who you're talking to, you can truly talk TO (not at) them. Hold a conversation. Hold a CONNECTION. Stay tuned for more about how to establish this kind of connection. I'll be writing about it here on the We Don’t Have Time app in the coming weeks…

  • Ingmar Rentzhog

    180 w

    Very good advice!

    • Samuel Plumppu

      180 w

      Thanks Lisa - keep up the good work!

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