
They have greenwashed my parrot!

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Have you heard? They have greenwashed my parrot!
Nobody believes they're greenwashed! not even my parrot. Nobody believes they're indoctrinated. In general, everyone believes in their own narratives. Beliefs are information processing. If we watch a movie, we process a different story. Our held beliefs are stored in our memories & in our cultural records.
We live on a planet ("the world") with billions of other humans that have many differing beliefs & social agendas (social norms & values); political ideologies, religions, business ideas. Therefore it’s logical to state that not everyone can be correct. Assuming any of these ideologies are correct!
Some beliefs must be fallacies! Although Everyone will believe that their cherished belief is the one that is correct.
However, there is one form of, partially indoctrinated ideology, that is particularly pervasive to our own long-term interests.
The general term for this ideology is greenwash!
Greenwash is not any specific belief. For example, some Scientists & Engineers have a reasonable understanding of how to solve the ecological emergency, for example, conservation biologists, ecologists & climatologists ( & some Engineers). However, I believe we may? or may not? mitigate the ecological crisis, because presently, so many people are greenwashed which makes them greenwashers.
To fix the ecological mess we find ourselves in, we will have to demand that greenwashing and greenwashed politicians & their industry paymasters stop greenwashing the people they are meant to represent.
Science-based targets provide a clearly-defined pathway for companies and financial institutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, helping prevent the worst impacts of climate change and future-proof business growth.
But! the fuel industries & governments have even greenwashed my parrot! Polly keeps repeating "burn wood good, burn wood good, give Polly a cracker?" ( Inhaling smoke pollution is bad for our health. Smoking tobacco is also bad for our health)
I don't really have a pet parrot! the "parrot" is for satire, to make a point. But if I did, they'd try to friggin greenwash Polly, by offering Polly parrot a friggin cracker. And I would not want my imagined pet parrot to be greenwashed ( for Polly's own health)
In one of my earlier articles, there is an image that says “we wash you a Merry Christmas” .The image is a metaphor for a certain type of sales pitch and politics that do misinform & or disinform people & parrots so as to sell polluting products, political ideologies or crackers (e.g., they want your money or vote & may try greenwash to get it)
Of course, in of itself, a transparent (mutually explicit trade) sales pitch is all well & good, between two consenting people, for example, a sales-person & a customer (or trade, in general)
However, because we must look after our environments better, we must not sell, for example, polluting fuels using "good" or rather bad, eco-greenwash.
The following is a warning to those that do intentionally greenwash. In other words, intentionally lie about the products they sell or knowingly lie about the science, that, for example, says some of the industries products cause disease & or climate heating. If that does not apply to you, then may your truth un-greenwash the masses.
Those that do intentionally greenwash others are also greenwashed. Examples of greenwash are trying to sell "green coal", they did try that greenwash, or "burn right" wood fuel, etc. Some people are greenwashed by their own, self-greenwashing, monetary agendas 🤔
Whilst money is often a motivator to do wrong & or right, in the context of degrading ecology, a government or business that greenwashes the public to, for example, "burn wood right", is also digging its own grave 💀
Within the context of burning wood (biomass) “digging our own graves” is an accurate metaphor. For example, smoke pollution reduces life expectancy &, when all factors are considered, burning wood heats the planet's atmosphere more than burning fossil fuels. One reason for this, amongst many, is that to produce the same amount of heat, less volume of coal is burnt than wood. References can be provided, though it’s “common” knowledge that coal produces more heat than wood when burnt. Burning wood is not a replacement for burning fossil fuels (& they both cause air pollution that causes disease). Renewable energy & green hydrogen technology is (100% clean, 2022). Another reason why burning forests ( e.g., deforesting forests for tree plantations) is ecocide is that forests are home to wildlife (is the Earth experiencing its 6th mass extinction event) and deforestation is degrading the Earth’s soils 
Our civilisations can do far better (100% Clean, 2022) than having greenwashed parrots as the decision maker[s] No offence intended Polly! Sometimes, there are more important things than getting that next cracker ($£, etc). In other words, not slaughtering farm animals (e.g., the animal industry), or wildlife, not heating up the planet’s atmosphere & not polluting our own air supplies is more important than, for example, mining for and consuming ecologically degrading “crackers”.

  • Martin Leach

    118 w Nature has answers We Remove Airborne Pollution and Reverse climate change we make Green Infrastructure we are proposing a Mass Deployment today By the way Kids are entitled to breath clean air in the school playground just saying !

    • Gary

      118 w

      Not producing air pollution is the answer! ( Please make that explicit ASAP on the website for it to be 100% non-greenwash) Where I live there are lot's of smokey chimneys and, comparably, quite a lot of plants (it still stinks of smoke!). Plants generally sequester Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from the air. They won't remove a significant amount of the ( carcinogenic) Carbon particles ( e.g., smoke, traffic emissions), which, once those particles enter our lungs, increase the chances of developing a disease ( I wear an air pollution mask in the smokey village I live in. The mask filters some, not all, of the micro particle smoke pollution). However, the "HERBAIR", etc plant-based products are an excellent idea for many reasons. For example, they will sequester Carbon Dioxide &, help biodiversity (e.g., pollinating insects) , they look great too :-)

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