Climate love
Image of Câr-Y-Môr


Climate love

Reviving traditional zero-input seaweed production

A local community coop is reviving the historical seaweed ("laverbread" = Japanese nori) and shellfish harvesting industry in West Wales using low-carbon, vertical underwater gardens. No cages, feed or nutrient inputs needed: Yum!

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Francois Beyers

146 w

Dear Alayne, thank you so much for giving us the climate love. And also in turn introducing us to We Don't Have Time! What a fantastic initiative to raise awareness about climate change. We are a registered Community Benefit Society that currently consists of a diverse group of volunteers. The idea started in 2017 when a collective of like-minded individuals came together with a vision to tackle two of the most pressing societal issues: Local public health and the ongoing climate emergency. I look at it as "your rocking chair" moment. What are you most proud of that you've achieved in life when looking back. I have 2 little ones and I want them to grow up knowing their parents and others have done their best to fight climate change. I can't say what the future holds for them, but I can do my best to make a difference and hopefully inspire others along the way to join this journey. Or take their own path in the fight against climate change. Critically for us is to make sure this is viable business. Even though it's a not for profit. We have invested all our savings to get this started and 54 kind souls have invested £95000 as well. But to be able to keep growing and creating jobs we need to somehow get investments or grants (still yet to be successful in an application, after 4 years of trying). I think that there is enough proof out there that this is not an unknown venture anymore and that it is a safe bet to invest on ocean farming. Thank you again to all the support on here and I hope that it will continue. Please keep on eye on our social media to keep up to date on what we are doing, as mentioned it's all done by volunteers. So it's not updated as often as I would like, but we try.

  • Francois Beyers

    146 w

    Dear Alayne, thank you so much for giving us the climate love. And also in turn introducing us to We Don't Have Time! What a fantastic initiative to raise awareness about climate change. We are a registered Community Benefit Society that currently consists of a diverse group of volunteers. The idea started in 2017 when a collective of like-minded individuals came together with a vision to tackle two of the most pressing societal issues: Local public health and the ongoing climate emergency. I look at it as "your rocking chair" moment. What are you most proud of that you've achieved in life when looking back. I have 2 little ones and I want them to grow up knowing their parents and others have done their best to fight climate change. I can't say what the future holds for them, but I can do my best to make a difference and hopefully inspire others along the way to join this journey. Or take their own path in the fight against climate change. Critically for us is to make sure this is viable business. Even though it's a not for profit. We have invested all our savings to get this started and 54 kind souls have invested £95000 as well. But to be able to keep growing and creating jobs we need to somehow get investments or grants (still yet to be successful in an application, after 4 years of trying). I think that there is enough proof out there that this is not an unknown venture anymore and that it is a safe bet to invest on ocean farming. Thank you again to all the support on here and I hope that it will continue. Please keep on eye on our social media to keep up to date on what we are doing, as mentioned it's all done by volunteers. So it's not updated as often as I would like, but we try.

    • Alayne Perrott

      146 w

      Dear Francois, So pleased to see your reply. We often stay in the St David's-Solva area and are big fans of laverbread (which must have been vital to Welsh public health in the old days). I wish you every success with your licensing, marketing and fund-raising.. I am not sure what the crowd-funding rules are for CBSs, but I suggest contacting the brilliant guys (Dan McCallum and colleagues) who run the Awel (wind-) and Egni (solar-energy) cooperatives, headquartered in Cwmllynfell, near Swansea, because they know all about how to do this successfully. You can find them at and Gorllewin Cymru am byth! Alayne (SA32 7QD).

      • Câr-Y-Môr

        146 w

        @alayne_perrott thank you. I will most certainly follow up on that suggestion and get in touch with Dan. If you’re ever back down in St David’s let us know and we can take you for a walk on the coast path to see the farms.

      • We Don't Have Time

        146 w

        Dear Alayne Perrott Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Câr-Y-Môr and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

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