Climate love
Image of N2Applied


Climate love

New technology dramatically reduces greenhouse-gas emissions from livestock farming

The Norwegian company N2 Applied has found a way to zap cattle slurry with artificial lightning (a plasma torch powered by solar panels). The resulting chemical reactions with air reduce nitrous oxide emissions by ~90% and methane by ~99%. The nutrients remain in the slurry and can increase grass productivity by ~40%, reducing the need for nitrogen fertilizer. Air and water pollution, as well as unpleasant odours, are also significantly reduced:. BBC News - Artificial lightning zaps farm stink

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time


133 w

Thank you for reaching out and your positive feedback! The World needs more cheering and focus on climate solutions. We cannot solve all issues, but hopefully we can be a part of the solution on how to produce food with less emissions. Noticed a small misunderstanding in the text, - we reduce ammonia emissions (not nitrous oxide). You can also see this short animation to get a grasp of the technology:

  • N2Applied

    133 w

    Thank you for reaching out and your positive feedback! The World needs more cheering and focus on climate solutions. We cannot solve all issues, but hopefully we can be a part of the solution on how to produce food with less emissions. Noticed a small misunderstanding in the text, - we reduce ammonia emissions (not nitrous oxide). You can also see this short animation to get a grasp of the technology:

    • We Don't Have Time

      133 w

      Dear Alayne Perrott Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to N2Applied and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Muhammad Fahd Khan

        134 w

        This is amazing.

        Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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