Climate love
Image of Qarnot


Climate love

How Computers Could Heat Homes For Free

This company has developed a radiator sized computer which they install into homes and businesses to provide heat for the occupants. They sell the computing power to banks, animation studios and anyone else requiring a large data centre. The "radiators" are sold at a fixed price and Qarnot pay for the electricity they consume, allowing the users to benefit from the 'waste' heat. The uniqueness comes with Qarnot's approach to decentralising computing. Instead of using a large data centre and spending money on electricity to cool it, Qarnot's customers can use the 'waste' heat to replace the requirement for heat in certain applications. Their model works best in colder countries where demand for heat is high, but it is still an interesting approach to decarbonising.

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  • We Don't Have Time

    136 w

    Dear Connor Lascelles Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Qarnot and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

    • Bo

      136 w

      Great idea!

      • Patrick Kiash

        139 w

        Great one and interesting....

        • Prime Computer

          139 w

          What a great and interesting solution to recycle energy waste efficiently. The future is a transition to circular economy and find new ways of re-use as much resources as possible. The solution and innovation of Qarnot is a great example and contribution on our path to Net Zero. We would be interested in the biggest challenges Qarnot is facing.

          • Connor Lascelles

            139 w

            It would be interesting to hear if you think there are any collaboration opportunities between you and Qarnot 🌱

            • Naia Etchecopar

              136 w

              Hi ! That would be great, contact us : !

            • Felicia Widing

              140 w

              Interesting! I will definitely read more about this

              • Shipra Madan

                140 w

                Amazing! Quite innovative.

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