Climate warning
Image of Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty

Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty

Climate warning

The Antarctic sea ice affected by an unprecedented melting

For the first time since records began in 1978, the extent of the ice floating around Antarctica has shrunk. Until now, Antarctica seemed to be more resistant to climate change than the Arctic. But, according to a study in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, the sea ice around the continent reached, in February, its lowest level in 44 years (since the beginning of satellite data collection), and five years after the previous record low. The ocean area covered by ice slipped below 2 million km2 for the first time, which is 30% less than the average calculated over three decades, between 1981 and 2010. The summer "anomalies" were observed mainly in West Antarctica, which is more vulnerable to climate change than the larger East Antarctic area. This ice loss was mainly driven by changes in temperature, and the unprecedented heatwave Antarctica has known since 2020. While in 2020, the continent saw an unprecedented 9.2C above the mean maximum, in March 2022, it was 30 degrees above normal. Even though the melting has no impact on the sea level because the ice pack is formed by freezing saltwater, this diminished ice cover is nonetheless a major concern as it helps accelerate global warming by reducing the white surface on Earth and therefore the reflection of heat. “There is less reflection of heat and more absorption," explains Qinghua Yang, one of the study's co-authors. "This in turn melts more ice, and produces more heat absorption, in a vicious circle”. We don't have time. The Parties of the Antarctic Treaty (and the whole world) should start acting on climate change. Now! Read more: (FR) (ENG) About the Secretariat of the Antarctic Treaty:

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  • Sarah Chabane

    105 w

    Scary news

    • Christina Carlmark

      106 w


    • Kumar M Iyer

      106 w

      When will we learn. Scale down ocean traffic and go local. Frugality rather than pomp is the need of the hour. But will the greed of man ever say, "I have enough, now".

      • Marine Stephan

        106 w

        All indicators are red, and yet the world continues to act this way... when will we learn is a very good question. I hope the answer is now

        • Kumar M Iyer

          106 w

          @marine_stephan as your website says, We don't have time. Yet our leaders talk about 2040 and 2050 as the deadline for actions, and not yesterday as science tells us. When will these two timelines converge. I hope that yesterday prevails.

          • Marine Stephan

            106 w

            @kumar_iyer Yes, we need to act now, and I hope world leaders will understand that soon (now)

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