Climate love
Image of Cresponix AB

Cresponix AB

Climate love

Green/Blue Food from Green Hydrogen

Cresponix’ pitch: Hydrogen gas is a storage solution for energy generated from renewable electricity. Today, the storage of hydrogen gas can only utilize 40% of the total energy input from renewable electricity and the rest of the energy is emitted as waste heat. Hydrogen storage can become more competitive if this waste heat energy was recovered and reused. Today, waste heat above 80 degrees can be converted into electricity, but there are no economical solutions to reuse waste heat below 80 degrees, especially the low-grade waste heat between 30-50 degrees. Cresponix gives hydrogen storage an extra revenue stream by building land-based farms of shrimp, fish, and vegetables next to the production of hydrogen. There, the emitted waste heat is collected and reused towards heating up a farming facility towards 30 degrees all year around.

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  • Thomas Hou


    86 w

    I understand hydrogen is quite reactive (from chemistry class days, I recall it has one valence electron). How do you control for combustion, or hydrogen reacting with other substances?

  • Sarah Chabane



    87 w

    Cool solution! Have you already implemented your solution somewhere?

    • Cresponix AB



      86 w

      @sarah_chabane Thank you Sarah! The farming practice is implemented in a total of 16 large scale farms in Africa and South America, but where the heat energy comes from the tropical environment. Last 2 years we have developed the farming technology towards colder conditions and absorption of waste heat. We are right now in Västervik establishing our first commercial unit model in colder climate, that after verification can be used to scale up towards fully commercial farms next to waste heat emitting industries, where we are targeting industries that are utilizing hydrogen power production.

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