
Icebug invites big footwear brands to collaborate

Icebug's goal is to have a fossil-free operation as soon as possible, and a minimal carbon footprint. When looking for bio-based materials to replace synthetics, new biomaterials are not always available for purchase. Recently, Icebug increased the proportion of natural rubber in its soles and discovered that it is difficult to get hold of sustainability certified natural rubber with the footwear quality needed.
Therefore, Icebug started a collaboration with FSC – Forest Stewardship Council. We also got support from Inclusive Business Sweden, which are experts in designing business models that benefit low-income groups, in our case the smallholder rubber farmers.
Together we created a project with the joint aim to establish a responsible value chain from the cultivation of rubber trees in Thailand to FSC-certified Icebug shoes in the store. It is about finding the right motivation for smallholder rubber farmers to switch to sustainable cultivation and to continue to do so. Until recently, there was no FSC-certified natural rubber in Thailand, which is the world's largest rubber producer. There is FSC-certified rubber from large plantations in Guatemala and Sri Lanka, but the volumes are quickly booked up. Very recently, some small-scale cooperatives in Thailand have obtained FSC certification, and there is potential for growth if demand can be aggregated to match the available supply. As liquid latex is a fresh product (like milk) with specific logistic challenges, it is a delicate phase to balance regular demand and supply of FSC rubber so that farmers can continue with sustainable farming. We need more shoe manufacturers to ask for FSC-certified rubber to get sufficient volumes to process the liquid rubber to shoe quality for a regular supply basis.
Icebug strongly believes in sharing sustainability experiences and solutions between brands, to scale up and increase the speed of change in a sustainable direction. Therefore Icebug invited other footwear brands to join us in securing this supply chain in Thailand to secure sufficient long-term volumes for the footwear industry with resulting benefits for the smallholder farmers involved.
June 22 2021, we met with 23 footwear brands in different sizes from all over the world! Thanks to all involved and we look forward to the next steps together with the suppliers in Thailand.
/ Maria Munther, sustainability manager of Icebug
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  • Johannes Luiga

    148 w

    Truly great!

    • Nevahirdova

      149 w

      Positive Change in Action

      • Ingmar Rentzhog

        149 w

        My next shoe will be an Ice Bug! Keep it up!

        • Muhammad Fahd Khan

          149 w

          Great initiative. It seems that Icebug is working best for environment, customers & Stakeholders in an inclusive manner. I appreciate your efforts I hope the other brands may follow and make this industry sustainable.

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