
Welcome to the Net-zero launch event #4!

On 15 June it's time for Alfa Laval to present the fourth Net-zero launch event. This an online external broadcast, sharing news and insights about the latest innovations and initiatives to help companies across all industries become more sustainable. The Net-zero launch event is free to join. Sign up today!
Today, it is more important than ever to find affordable technologies that can help decarbonize the global economy, while also accommodating the ever-increasing demand for energy. That is why, three times a year, Alfa Laval gathers industry experts in a studio to promote and discuss the latest news in accelerating sustainable solutions.
“We have so much to share with the world's industries in 2023 when it comes to sustainable solutions,” says Thomas Møller, President of Alfa Laval’s Energy Division. “I am excited that we have a line-up of experts to talk about the many new launches we have to scale up and accelerate the energy transition. We will also have a guest joining us from the Swedish steel manufacturer SSAB to discuss our fossil-free steel partnership.”
Over 45 minutes, the Net-zero launch event takes a deep dive into the three cornerstone sustainability areas: Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy and Circularity. In each segment studio speakers will provide a brief overview of Alfa Laval's latest thinking for different industries and highlight key launches with the support of expert videos.
Save the date: June 15, 14:00 CET Sign up today!

  • Patrick Kiash

    47 w

    Looking forward to the event, learning about three cornerstone areas of sustainability will be very important

    • Sarah Chabane

      47 w

      It will be a great event!

      • Tabitha Kimani

        47 w

        This kind of "exhibitions" are very informative. The showcasing of the diverse innovations around energy efficiency, sustainability etc is really key.

        • Munene Mugambi

          47 w

          Will be tuned in to this event. Looking forward to it

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