
SaltX is proud to be We Don’t Have Time’s latest Changemaker!

The cement and lime industry currently accounts for 8% of the world’s global emissions, a number so large that if it were a country, it would be a bigger emitter than the United States.

Most of these emissions are generated during the production process for these materials, which go into constructing buildings, roads, and other structures. In other words, it’s not an easy process to do away with in our modern world.

However, we at SaltX are working on removing the CO2 emissions that are generated from making these materials, and we have succeeded in refining a process that aims to do just that.

Plasma generators: An innovation in process refinement

“The principle is that you use a plasma generator to generate heat to heat the limestone, and the gas that comes out you can use as a propellant, and out comes the quicklime that you use, for example, in the steel industry.”
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We’ve already garnered partnerships with some of the biggest businesses in the industry, who are currently seeking less CO2-intensive means of steel production.
SSAB’s CTO, Martin Pei, has commented that with SaltX’s technology, they can use quicklime in their steel production “without a CO2 footprint” in a way that “fits perfectly with the SSAB supply chain.”
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SaltX’s process works by using an oven that burns a proprietary powder instead of stone, allowing for less stone to be used in the production process and for all the CO2 generated to be stored and used later in the supply chain.
Lars Croon, our own CTO, notes that the “[heavy] industry is under pressure from society to make changes. [Businesses either have to] face this change or disappear:”
So, our aim at SaltX is to facilitate the means of dramatically reducing the emissions generated for many businesses in industries working with steel, cement, concrete, or other heavy materials.
We’re incredibly excited to be a part of this amazing shift in the industry and to be the relied-upon partner for several businesses looking to transform their CO2-intensive supply chains for the better.
“We aim to remove 250,000 tonnes of CO2 by 2027 together with our partner SMA Mineral by replacing fossil fuels with an electrified process and separation of CO2 from the heating process.”
To see us discussing our technology in more depth alongside the other We Don’t Have Time Changemakers, sign up for the Meet The Changemakers panel at COP28 below!

  • George Kariuki

    22 w

    This could be a game-changer for the industry and help to reduce global emissions by up to 8%.

    • Munene Mugambi

      22 w

      Welcome aboard SaltX and we look to see more of your projects in reduction of carbon emissions

      • Petter Körnemark

        22 w

        Super interesting. And I like that it is already in production. But where does the CO2 go after the process? You say it can be used later on or stored, so what happens with it?

        • Christina Carlmark

          22 w

          Excellent work on the path to zero emission. To make this industrial process zero carbon is really key.

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