
“There has never been a better time in history for energy-efficiency projects.”

Energy efficiency is essential in the fight against climate change as a solution with the fastest result in reducing energy-related emissions. Not only can it help decarbonize, but it can also lower energy bills for companies and households while strengthening energy security for both developing and developed countries. Then why, despite the promising outcome, are there delays in reaching the energy efficiency goals?
During the second day of Stockholm Climate Week, Alfa Laval brought together some of the world's leading experts, including representatives from the United Nations, the International Energy Agency, and industry professionals, to answer some pressing questions about energy efficiency and discuss the urgency of accelerating energy solutions globally.
The session began with a keynote by Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO and Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Sustainable Energy for All and Co-Chair of UN-Energy. She highlighted the importance of energy efficiency, calling it a "people-centered approach" that would help create jobs, stabilize the economy and, most importantly, reduce emissions.
Sheila Aggarwal-Khan, Director of the Industry and Economy Division for UNEP, and Brian Motherway, Head of Energy Efficiency at the International Energy Agency then shared their view on how the role of energy efficiency has changed and the need for urgent actions to speed up the implementation of available solutions.
Adam Savitz, Johnson Controls, Thomas Møller, Alfa Laval, Kevin Lane, Energy Agency, Ravichandra Kshirsagar, Schneider Electric, Madeleine Gilborne, Alfa Laval and Nick Nuttal host, We Don’t Have Time .
Adam Savitz, Johnson Controls, Thomas Møller, Alfa Laval, Kevin Lane, Energy Agency, Ravichandra Kshirsagar, Schneider Electric, Madeleine Gilborne, Alfa Laval and Nick Nuttal host, We Don’t Have Time .

The session then continued with the private sector point of view on energy efficiency; a panel discussion between Thomas Møller, President of Energy Division, Alfa Laval, Adam Savitz, Sustainable Infrastructure Director at Johnson Controls, Kevin Lane, Senior program manager, policy expert-International Energy Agency, and Ravichandra Kshirsagar, Vice President of Digital Building Commercial & Services at Schneider Electric. The focus was on main barriers and opportunities to accelerate energy efficiency solutions globally.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy efficiency accounts for as much as 40% of the world’s carbon dioxide emission reduction by 2040. “Half of the emission reduction before 2030 has to come from energy efficiency. This is crucial for battling climate change,” said Thomas Møller, Alfa Laval. “The technologies for achieving this are already available today. They just need to be implemented,” said Møller.
While decarbonization in this era of global electrification, energy efficiency is also crucial for securing the increasing energy demand. “There has never been a better time in history for energy efficiency projects”, said Adam Savitz, Johnson Controls.
The session ended with three keynotes on how to proceed and how policy incentives can unlock and realize the acceleration of energy efficiency solutions. Niels Fuglsang, member of the European Parliament shared insights on the latest Energy Efficiency Directive. Andreas Kuhlmann, Chief Executive of Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH, and Helena Storckenfeldt, member of parliament for the Swedish Moderate Party shared their perception on how the role of energy efficiency has changed in the last year, from a German and Swedish perspective respectively. Even if progress is being made, it is not enough and we need to unlock the true potential of energy efficiency.
Watch the full Alfa Laval session from Stockholm Climate Week:

Rewatch Stockholm Climate Week anytime on We Don’t Have Time Play.
  • Evangeline Wanjiru

    49 w

    Very enlightening session . We must gear towards energy efficiency

    • Gorffly mokua

      50 w

      Increased energy efficiency projects will lower greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants. This was a very informative session.💚💚

      • Sarah Chabane

        50 w

        A fantastic session to learn more about the urgency to adopting energy efficiency

        • Marine Stephan

          51 w

          This was a great session at Stockholm Climate Week. Energy efficiency is indeed important!

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