
Alfa Laval enters new joint venture to advance energy storage solutions

Renewable energy sources such as solar power are vital for a sustainable future, but that energy needs to be available also when the sun is not shining. That's why Alfa Laval has entered into a strategic joint venture agreement with Aalborg CSP, a Danish concentrated solar power technology company. By teaming up, Alfa Laval will be able to advance the development of long duration energy storage (LDES) heat exchanger solutions.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) states that energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are crucial for decarbonization, and that solar and wind power are set to more than double in just five years. By 2027 they will make up nearly 20 percent of global power generation, which in turn will boost the demand for new technologies and capacities in energy storage.
"By joining forces with Aalborg CSP we are taking a significant step towards achieving our shared vision of a sustainable energy future," says Thomas Møller, President of the Energy Division. "Together, we will drive the development of cutting-edge long duration energy storage solutions because we believe we need to combine knowledge and resources to solve some of the big challenges we are facing."

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  • Markus Lutteman

    36 w

    This sounds like a really great collaboration.

    • Ajema Lydiah

      36 w

      great initiative

      • Sarah Chabane

        36 w

        A powerful collaboration for energy efficiency!

        • George Kariuki

          36 w

          This partnership reflects a shared commitment to addressing the pressing energy and environmental issues of our time.

          • Kevin

            36 w

            Energy storage is a really futuristic tool

            • Jengaj John

              36 w

              Energy storage has many environmental benefits that can make it a valuable tool for meeting sustainability goals.

              • bonke reinhard

                36 w

                Woow ,,Alfa Laval has come up with a good idea that will help us sustain energy for along time without sun 👏

                • Rashid Kamau

                  36 w

                  Energy storage accelerates the broader adoption of renewable energy.

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