
Climate Justice and Climate Vulnerability - Interview with Rosanne Martyr-Koller from Climate Analytics

How can we make the existing data on climate justice tangible and more accessible?
In this interview, Rosanne Martyr-Koller, scientist at Climate Analytics, explains the background to our interactive data-tool: THE SCALE. How do you measure and calculate climate vulnerability? And why do we need tools like the Scale?
Try it yourself! Choose two countries and compare them in terms of their Vulnerability and (historical, annual & per-head) CO2 Emissions! Let us know what you think!
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  • awake carolina

    15 w

    I have maps that could help and some great ideas 💡 😀

    • Munene Mugambi

      16 w

      A lot of information about climate issues is lost and unaccessible to many people. How do we ensure we all have a fare share of the knowledge required to make a change in our planet?


        15 w

        @munene_mugambi Yes, it really is crucial to ensure equitable access to climate knowledge - only with inclusive education programs we will be able to engage ALL communities and foster proper climate action!

      • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

        16 w

        The development and utilization of tools like "THE SCALE" by Climate Analytics, as explained by Rosanne Martyr-Koller, bring a crucial dimension to the discourse on climate justice and vulnerability.

        • Rotich Kim

          16 w

          It has a great insight on how we should protect our environment 💪

          • Grace Njeri

            16 w

            @rotich_kim Sure,it was worth my time.

          • George Kariuki

            16 w

            This is a valuable resource that can contribute to advancing climate justice conversations.

            • NOT JUST CELSIUS

              16 w

              @george_kariuki Thanks George! We're glad to hear you like the video! Have you already tried our Scale Tool?

            Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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