We broadcast news about climate action and solutions, reaching millions of viewers.

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Below 1.5 by 2025: The Plan

Watch Below 1.5 by 2025: The Plan live on We Don't Have Time



Move the Money Interviews – Episode 1

Watch the first episode of this new series on how to Move the Money with David Hayman



The Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy

Watch the first episode of The Stockholm Series of Public Lectures on Climate Change and Democracy live on We Don't Have Time



Climate Dialogue: Civil society meets the EU candidates (in Swedish)

Event in Swedish: Civil society scrutinises European Parliament candidates on climate, environment and energy



Circularity 24

Watch Circularity 24 live on We Don't Have Time

Move the Money Interviews



Move the Money: Johan Floren, AP7

Climate dialogue: Why has Sweden's largest pension fund invested in Saudi Aramco oil?



Move the Money: Jakob König, Fair Finance Guide Sweden

Climate Dialogue: The massive carbon footprint of Swedish banks



Move the Money: David Hayman, Make My Money Matter

In-depth conversations on how to shift investments



Move the Money: Julie Segal, Environmental Defence Canada

In-depth conversations on how to shift investments

Climate Dialogue: Civil society meets the EU candidates (in Swedish)



Climate Dialogue with Hélene Fritzon, Socialdemokraterna

Join us for the first interview of our Climate Dialogue with the EU candidates (in Swedish)



Climate Dialogue with Jonas Sjöstedt, Vänsterpartiet

Join us for the second interview of our Climate Dialogue with the EU candidates (in Swedish)



Climate Dialogue with Emma Wiesner, Centerpartiet

Join us for the third interview of our Climate Dialogue with the EU candidates (in Swedish)



Climate Dialogue with Tomas Brandberg, Sverigedemokraterna

Join us for the next interview of our Climate Dialogue with the EU candidates (in Swedish)



Climate Dialogue with Pär Holmgren, Miljöpartiet

Join us for the next interview of our Climate Dialogue with the EU candidates (in Swedish)

COP28 Climate Hub

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We Don’t Have Time is a social media network for everyone who wants to be a part of the solution to the climate crisis. If a large enough number of people want change, and if that energy is directed towards those in charge – change comes. But we don’t have time to wait. The social network is operated by the company WeDontHaveTime AB (publ), whose majority shareholder is the WeDontHaveTime Foundation. The Foundation’s principal purpose is to contribute to a reduced climate impact and an ecologically sustainable environment. Our headquarters is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

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