Hello everyone, I am Youssouf Souleyman kandamaye from Chad Born in 1999 in Faya, Chad, 23 years old and I worked at the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization by Order N°431/PR/MFPTDS/DG/ DFP/SDC/SP bearing Assignment,previous I worked in Ministry of Environment Water and Fisheries and in with be forwarded to Ministry of Public Security and Immigration. Bachelor's degree with different professional and academic degrees. He was a member of Yali Network 2021, and I am also a Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain (SPSC) Ambassador October 30, 2021, and a volunteer International Human Rights Commission
in 2021. And Country Contact Points Coy 17, representing his country Chad AfCFTA CHAMPION C E R T I F I C A T E,
N'Djamena, continuation be transmitted n ° 1997/PCMT/PMT/SG/CAJADH/2021 From December 21, 2021, I am the president of the Dialogue and Pacific Cohabitation Committee until the hour. We coordinate Activista, a platform that aims to empower youth.