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The administrative court of Lille (in the North of France) rejected the appeal filed by three associations (Nord Nature Environnement, NADA, and France Nature Environnement Hauts-de-France) against the project to extend Lille’s airport. It also imposed on the mayors of two municipalities affected by the site, Lesquin and Fretin, to instruct the building permits they had refused to sign. The three associations asked the judge to suspend the environmental authorization given by the prefect last July. The associations' lawyers had raised the issue of an "insufficient impact study" concerning noise pollution, water resource pollution, and health consequences for the inhabitants. Since when is the public good subject to private interests? We Don’t Have Time for more airplanes and airports. Read more (FR): https://www.lavoixdunord.fr/1262827/article/2022-12-05/le-tribunal-administratif-tranche-en-faveur-de-l-extension-de-l-aeroport-de
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Dear Marine Stephan Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Tribunal Administratif de Lille and asked for a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Muhammad We Don't Have Time