Climate Warning
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‘Macho and polluting’ is how Lyon mayor Grégory Doucet chose to describe the Tour when stages 14 and 15 passed through the city in 2020. And there is some truth behind the statement. The Tour de France can be likened to a travelling circus, and one that requires extensive resources. From the helicopters and motorbikes to the team cars and the publicity caravan to the kit and the bikes to the flights and the hotels – not to mention the sheer number of spectators lining the route or watching on TV – the resources that go into the Tour will make your head spin. So just what is the extent of this great race’s environmental footprint? This feature was first published on Cyclist in September. We’re revisiting it now as part of our coverage of environmental issues during COP27. https://www.cyclist.co.uk/in-depth/the-hidden-cost-of-the-tour
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The organizers of the Tour de France have decided to water the roads to cool the asphalt for the bike riders, 10,000 liters of water are expected to be wasted while France and Europe are experiencing a very severe drought and heatwave and have water restrictions. Sponsored by companies like Total, the Tour de France, the world’s largest annual sporting contest, has been heavily criticized for its (negative) environmental impacts, especially linked to the large convoy that follows it. Such a missed opportunity to promote cycling in an environmentally friendly way... Read more: https://www.midilibre.fr/2022/07/17/tour-de-france-2022-10-000-litres-deau-pour-arroser-les-routes-suite-aux-temperatures-caniculaires-10440473.php https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jul/12/protests-disrupt-tour-de-france-stage-10-pogacar-covid-cort-nielsen
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Is there a way to use more sustainable tires that can cope with the heat? All this water is a waste….
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This is unreasonable... They should instead postpone this games till the situation gets better instead of wasting water
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A climate change organization, known as Dernière Rénovation, led a protest during the 2022 Tour de France. The Tour de France protest took place on Tuesday, July 12, during the 10th stage of the race, between Morzine and Megève at Magland, with nine protestors halting the race for about 15 minutes. Needless to say, this will be a climate protest to remember. And even though cycling is notoriously the greenest means of transportation, le Tour de France is far from being perfectly eco-friendly, and Dernière Rénovation wants to bring climate change the attention it deserves. Let's see in details what are the issues here : After knowing about their fossil fuel sponsorships and use of Vittel's single use plastic water bottles during the entire race, it is now planned to use 10 000 liters of water, for only one day, with the simple and absurd purpose to water... The road. Yes. There is a need to cool down the road as temperatures are way too warm for cyclists to keep going and their health is a major concern. So basically, instead of moving the race a bit earlier during the year, le Tour de France would rather waste 10 000 liters of water just to... Keep going? Quite an absurd world we live in. France, just like Spain is facing a major heat wave, one that we haven't experienced since 2003. Yet, we want to keep 'business as usual', ready to put at risk the health of cyclists, and overall displaying a poor quality of the show. "What do you expect me to do? Stand by the side of the road and watch my life go by as I watch the cyclists go by? No, I have decided to act and interfere to avoid the worst episode of suffering and create a new world. Because everything can still change.“ Alice, demonstrating for Dernière Rénovation. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/tour-de-france-protest https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/tour-de-france-stage-10-halted-by-protestors/
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Dear Aude Boulord Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Tour de France Live by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
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I was very mad at my TV (and at the organizers) when I saw that Total was again sponsoring the race (and having their logo EVERYWHERE, even on the masks of the riders)! The organizers claimed they were doing an "environmentally friendly" Tour de France this year... such a joke
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I saw the images of the roads being watered, it's ridiculous
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