Born in Turkey (Ankara) 4/January/1953, from a painter mother (NORA Eleonora Maria Ayiter Batu) and a chemical ingenieur father (Dr. Ismet Ayiter), I knew Jesus Christ when I was 3 year’s old when I visited The Saint Sophia Basilica in Istanbul with my mother and after 50 years of a personal building’s period filled with studies, loneliness, Tai Chi, Yoga, love , voyages, music playing and sport cars, everything which could never fill that “black human hole”, on 29/October/2009 I joined finally the army of believers in Jesus Christ by joining the Anglican Church in Den Haag/Netherlands where I am still living as a Dutch citizen. After finishing my University studies in 1982 I joined the European Patent Office and worked there as a Patent Examiner for 32 years, by doing this, I understood exactly what is an invention and how to Think ! to be able to invent new things as an inventor but also how to evaluate existing ideas or designs to get more profits from them, I speak 5 languages.