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Scientists repeat breakthrough in fusion power At the American National Ignition Facility laboratory, laser energy is converted into X-rays inside the chamber called the hohlraum. The fuel pellet inside is compressed until it implodes and a high-pressure, high-temperature plasma forms. Last year, news broke of a breakthrough in fusion power. American researchers had in an experiment achieved a net gain in energy. Now the same plant has repeated the result - and generated more energy. The major breakthrough was announced by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California last December. For the first time, net gain in energy had been achieved in a fusion experiment. https://www.nyteknik.se/energi/forskare-upprepar-genombrott-inom-fusionskraft/3929170 https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/06/us-scientists-achieve-net-energy-gain-second-time-fusion-reaction?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
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Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
58 w
A very welcome step
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This is a remarkable step forward and it holds immense promise for addressing energy needs and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
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@princess_nel_268 In a near future we will do away with fossil fuels.
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This is amazing. Fusion is one of the promising prospects for getting rid of fossil fuels to generate power.