I studied Mathematics and Psychology, worked a decade long in the IT-Industry, sold consulting and best of breed software to the worlds largest chemical plant, joined business angels clubs in Paris and Berlin, invested in social businesses, joined a consulting botique in Berlin and for more than a decade helped to make them successful with managing the shutdown and turnaround projects for huge physical assets, billion dollar heavy assets like refinaries, nuclear power plants, steam cracker, and the like. Now since more than 6 years I'm fully comitted to impact investing.
As ambassador of https://www.toptierimpact.com/ for the Frankfurt area and an active member of https://catalyst2030.net/ and https://bundesinitiative-impact-investing.de/, I focus on fostering impactful investments in Europe, America, and frontier and emerging markets. My work involves bridging diverse geographies, with a commitment to conscious investment practices that drive development and climate action.