Degradation of soil is among the greatest threats to life on earth. Twelve million hectares of fertile land perish to droughts and degradation annually. That's three times the size of Denmark; enough to feed 100Mn people. Growing water scarcity magnifies the challenge. That's why we strive to Make Earth Green Again.
Desert Control is a ClimateTech company specialized in restoring arid soil and desert sand into fertile land. Our patented product LNC (Liquid NanoClay) is a compound enabling sandy soils to retain water and nutrients; making degraded land green again. LNC increases yield, while decreasing water usage by up to 50%. The process to turn sand into fertile soil can take 10-15 years; with LNC crops can be planted within 7 hours. Liquid NanoClay strengthens resilience to withstand the harsh impact of climate change, while saving scarce resources like water.