
The Climate Tool is now available!

65-95% of GHG emissions are in scope 3. The value chain actors need to accelerate their climate work and take climate leadership. As a buying company you can help your suppliers to get started by providing them The Climate Tool link. It's a user friendly hands-on education for every company in the beginning of its climate journey, all in line with science.

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How? Send the link to your suppliers and encourage them to use it - and to pass the link on to their sub suppliers.
Who is it for? The tool is for suppliers and SME;s in different sectors. It's generic with specific examples and business cases from the electronics, agriculture/food and apparel/textile industry.
How much is it? It's free and open access.
Is it a reporting tool? No, the purpose with the Climate Tool is to capacity build the user. The tool contains a questionnaire resulting in a printable action plan. All data stays with the user.
Who's behind it? Axfoundation developed the Climate Tool in collaboration with Exponential Roadmap, Axfood, Kicks, Martin & Servera and the Swedish Trade Federation. AskKauko Impact OS created the tool.
Welcome to use it by clicking the link and log in!

  • Gordon Haney

    53 w

    That is such a useful tool, and I found learning about it to be a very intriguing experience.

    • Maria Andark

      94 w

      This sounds great, suppliers and SMEs are important groups where a lot needs to happen. Fast. Have to look into it further.

      • Johannes Luiga

        95 w

        Really great!

        • Muhammad Fahd Khan

          95 w

          Tools are available, we need to scale their usage.

          • Sarah Chabane

            95 w

            That's such a great tool, it was very interesting to hear about it during the STHLM+50 Climate Hub

            Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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