Kenya 🇰🇪
Climate love
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And together we've planted over 150,000 trees. One tree is planted for every climate review written to an organization that is Open for Climate Dialogue™.
How does this work?
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This is a bold move..we need to create awareness to all individuals on ways to deal with climate change so as to bring about some change.
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The fact that Kenya has a national holiday dedicated to planting trees just goes to show its commitment to countering climate change.
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Kenya's Vision 2030 prioritizes climate change resilience, addressing severe impacts like droughts and floods. Efforts include policy interventions, budget allocations, and the 15 billion tree-planting program, aiming for sustainable development and economic stability. We hope these plans work out to stop these problems
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The recent extreme weather events really highlight the urgency of climate action. Love that President Ruto recognizes it as a major threat.
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@george_kariuki It is imperative the plans set out in motion be successful as to achieve climate resilience as a country and maintain the carbon emissions to a bare minimum while increasing renewable energy usage.
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Kenya is leading the fight against climate change 💚 💚
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@elizbeth_gathigia As it should, with it's power coming from mostly renewable energy, it is a beacon of hope in Eastern Africa that even African countries can be a powerhouse of climate mitigation and sustainability.
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The 15 billion tree-planting program is an ambitious and commendable initiative that can make a significant impact.
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@ann_nyambura_542 this is true and the government of Kenya has done justice to the initiative by giving this responsibility to ministers to handle.
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Kenya has been leading when it comes to the issue of addressing climate change..we all should embrace change.
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It is an exciting time for Kenya, and I'm looking forward to seeing the strides it will take towards a more sustainable future with President Ruto taking lead!!
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Kenya's commitment to addressing climate change as part of its Vision 2030 agenda demonstrates a strategic approach to sustainable development. Prioritizing climate resilience signals Kenya's recognition of the critical role it plays in securing the country's long-term economic and societal well-being.
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@walter_lungayi True! It is great to see Kenya taking a strategic & proactive approach to addressing climate change in its Vision 2030 agenda. 👏
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With concerted efforts and partnerships, Kenya can pave the way for innovative solutions and set an example for others to follow in building a resilient and climate-smart nation.
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@princess_nel_268 Indeed, with concerted efforts a& collaborations, Kenya has the potential to set an example for other nations to follow in building a resilient nation.
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Kenya has not only pledged climate action towards vision 2030 but it's too working tirelessly to achieve that target with climate resilience coming at the top
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@rukia_ahmed_abdi It is Action time! We are heading to the right direction..