Climate warning
Image of Gaggenau


Climate warning

Lack of spare parts reduce product life time

Gaggenau promises 30 year lifte time on their products. However, when we tried to get our 17 year old appliances repaired, spare parts were no longer available. Our owen, stove and kitchen fan need help! They look as new - and terrifyingly need to be replaced. And they come with a huge price premium!

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56 w

Hello Christina, Thank you for your message. Our devices are built to last, which is very important to us and something we are very proud of. BSH generally offers a spare parts availability for 10 years. Currently as Gaggenau we are working on extending the availability up to 15 years. Some of our devices can get up to 30 years old, but this is something we cannot guarantee. In addition, there is also the question of whether it is climate-friendly to produce spare parts upfront and store them for 10-30 years without knowing whether they will ever be used. We would ask you kindly to send us an Email to and let us know what oven, stove, and fan you use, and we will investigate if we can help you in some way. Best regards, Linda from the Gaggenau Team.

  • Thomas Poddey

    54 w

    If you enable the use of 3D printing technologies for spare parts you don't need to produce it upfront and store them. Do you already consider 3D printing for spare parts at Gaggenau?

    • Gaggenau

      56 w

      Hello Christina, Thank you for your message. Our devices are built to last, which is very important to us and something we are very proud of. BSH generally offers a spare parts availability for 10 years. Currently as Gaggenau we are working on extending the availability up to 15 years. Some of our devices can get up to 30 years old, but this is something we cannot guarantee. In addition, there is also the question of whether it is climate-friendly to produce spare parts upfront and store them for 10-30 years without knowing whether they will ever be used. We would ask you kindly to send us an Email to and let us know what oven, stove, and fan you use, and we will investigate if we can help you in some way. Best regards, Linda from the Gaggenau Team.

      • Christina Carlmark

        56 w

        @Gaggenau thanks for your reply. I will email you.

      • Sarah Chabane

        57 w

        That's ridiculous

        • We Don't Have Time

          57 w

          Dear Christina Carlmark Thank you for getting your climate warning to level 2! We have reached out to Gaggenau and asked for a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

          • Tabitha Kimani

            57 w

            Spare parts enable recycling and longer lifespan of products.

            • walter lungayi

              57 w

              Spare parts should be available to reduce improper dumping

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