As it gets constantly hammered on that we must get time and that we need time and that with time we will be in time to get to our targets as set up some times ago, when we started running to reach the end of the this race on time, etc etc, which attitude is for my liking completely wrong in castor such natural and atmospheric calamities which never follow any man-made time sequences but are completely on their own and doing their very complex and in each other gripping, by no means distinct and/or separately to handle and to correct subordinated, already our lives, on a worldwide level dominating components, impossible to order in a scientific way and to bring to an acceptable conclusion, one by one. Therefore I believe in a strategy of no more thinking of correcting the situation wherein we are all involved but in a defensive way of direct action, to save our lives as quickly as possible, by using individual breathing masks in all countries, distributing the available food stuff and drink water over all citizens of all countries, providing means to survive the rain and sea water calamities as good as possible, by trying to keep the world population still as long as possible on dry ground to avoid spreading of diseases, providing each of us with the necessary toilet and wash installations in such a way that these installations can never pollute their direct and remote environments, and to implement all these directly into each country, in the remaining life of each individual without any segregation, gender discrimination, religious prejudice or any political dispute, declaring a World Wide War situation against the Natural Forces we must combat as brothers and sisters, men, women and children of any ages and any nationalities, ethnicities or intellectual levels, educational or being members of any global workforces or not, trying only to save as many as possible human lives, as soon as possible altogether!