We Don't Have Time's post

🌏Join us for a live broadcast during TNIU Week 2023! Explore #Thailand's climate progress & the #Nordic region's sustainable innovation.💡 Learn how partnerships & knowledge sharing can combat #climatechange.🧠🤝

⏰ Sept 26 / 10.00 CEST

  • Michael Tennyson

    71 w

    Looking prospectively and I am eager to hear the active changes universally being either mitigated or discussed at present. Living in California, in the Central Valley. I am at one of the Worlds most prominent Oil Producer based hubs. Fiscal Economics vs Pollution and the cascading effects can be witnessed, in its ever wavering transgression.

    • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

      71 w

      🌍 Joining this live broadcast during TNIU Week 2023 is an excellent opportunity to delve into the critical topic of climate change. We'll be exploring Thailand's commendable climate progress and the innovative sustainability initiatives emerging from the Nordic region. 💡 The focus on partnerships and knowledge sharing is especially noteworthy, as it highlights the collective effort required to combat climate change. By coming together and exchanging insights, we can accelerate our response to this global challenge and work towards a more sustainable future. 🧠 #ClimateAction #Sustainability #TNIUWeek2023

      • Rotich Kim

        71 w

        Looking forward for this live patrenrship coverage

        • Sven Nilson

          71 w

          Looking forward to an exciting continuation 💪

          • Rashid Kamau

            71 w

            With such partnership,am certain many will benefit.

            • Annett Michuki..

              71 w

              this is a great collaboration

              • zelda ninga

                71 w

                Looking forward for it.

                • Saustine Lusanzu

                  71 w

                  Looking forward to joining you

                  • Johannes Luiga

                    71 w

                    Such a great initiative!

                    • Munene Mugambi

                      71 w

                      Looking to learnore on Bangkok's climate change alleviation plans

                      • Sarah Chabane

                        71 w

                        Great collaboration! Looking forward to more events in collaboration with the Thai embassy

                        • DIPANJANA MAULIK

                          71 w

                          This ripple effect, which can cause resonance and can generate a positive " standing wave". Gratitude for sharing this broad casting.


                          Watch all the Davos Hub content!


                          Re-watch all our COP29 broadcasts

                          We need to stop methane and #BuyMoreTime