Dima Bass's post

Bringing Extinct Species Alive

In June I was in Hungary in Hortobágyi National Park
What attracted me to this park is their conservation projects. They are bringing extinct species alive. Sounds incredible.
So Auroch is an animal which was exterminated of course by humans already in 1627. But now with the help of science it's possible to bringing it back. Well, kind of. But it's very interesting how they doing it.
Similar story with Prezwalski horses. They were declared extincted in the wild, and only 12 left in the world zoos. Now with the help of reintroduction in many countries their population is around 4000!
In overall it's awesome that there are such places which do so much for the restoration and protection of wildlife and nature.
  • Johannes Luiga

    31 w

    Really fascinating


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