Gerald Kutney's post

We should find ways of working together ... BUT ... there is always a but ... some movements are evil ... forms of deviant behaviour ... that threaten, not only the greater good but lives and even future generations ... climate denial is such a movement.

  • Ann Nyambura

    5 w

    Well said! It's crucial to recognize that not all movements are beneficial

    • Kelvin Thuranira kaberia

      5 w

      Scientists have been warning about the dangers of this ill-conceived, planetary “experiment” for over half a century. However, the nations of the world have done little to curb these emissions

      • Princess

        5 w

        Climate denial is one such movement that is not just a difference of opinion but a harmful deviation that blocks scientific truth and obstructs urgent solutions. The stakes are too high for us to ignore or allow these barriers to persist.


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