Ford Motor Co to back the Biden administration's moves to drastically cut vehicle emissions through 2032, rejecting Republican arguments the new climate rules are bad for business.
Supporting these rules demonstrates Ford's commitment to aligning with national and global climate goals, including the objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement.
Ann Nyambura
37 w
A positive step
Johannes Luiga
37 w
We Don't Have Time
38 w
Dear Rashid Kamau
Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Ford Motor by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress!
To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you!
/Adam, We Don't Have Time
Munene Mugambi
38 w
We need to see action on this plan and not empty rhetoric. It is the campaign period and people are susceptible to lies by politicians and corporations that will only use such PR to get back in office. Need to see those climate targets start being achieved
Annett Michuki..
38 w
Ford made a good decision aligning with our climate needs
Rukia Ahmed Abdi
38 w
Great move by Ford.I remain hopeful that Biden will get a second term to keep this pledge alive, otherwise it will hit a wall if republicans who are against it take power
Annett Michuki..
38 w
@rukia_ahmed_abdi sure, we cannot afford to loose track through bad governance
Elizabeth Gathigia
38 w
This will help improve air quality,
Munene Mugambi
38 w
@elizbeth_gathigia Absolutely a possibility. When the emissions are cut, it is only obvious that the air quality of states and eventually the whole country will greatly benefit from this.
Jane Wangui
38 w
Any chance we get to reduce carbon emissions we grab it.We need to look after our future.Good job Fordđź‘Ź!!
Munene Mugambi
38 w
@jane_wangui I have to agree with your submission. We have to take even the smallest chance that comes our way to cut on emissions. It is our duty to protect the planet from the harm that others continuously cause.
Grace Njeri
17 w
@jane_wangui It's essential for all stakeholders,governments, businesses, and individuals to prioritize sustainability and work together toward a greener planet.
17 w
Supporting these rules demonstrates Ford's commitment to aligning with national and global climate goals, including the objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement.
37 w
A positive step
37 w
38 w
Dear Rashid Kamau Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Ford Motor by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
38 w
We need to see action on this plan and not empty rhetoric. It is the campaign period and people are susceptible to lies by politicians and corporations that will only use such PR to get back in office. Need to see those climate targets start being achieved
38 w
Ford made a good decision aligning with our climate needs
38 w
Great move by Ford.I remain hopeful that Biden will get a second term to keep this pledge alive, otherwise it will hit a wall if republicans who are against it take power
38 w
@rukia_ahmed_abdi sure, we cannot afford to loose track through bad governance
38 w
This will help improve air quality,
38 w
@elizbeth_gathigia Absolutely a possibility. When the emissions are cut, it is only obvious that the air quality of states and eventually the whole country will greatly benefit from this.
38 w
Any chance we get to reduce carbon emissions we grab it.We need to look after our future.Good job Fordđź‘Ź!!
38 w
@jane_wangui I have to agree with your submission. We have to take even the smallest chance that comes our way to cut on emissions. It is our duty to protect the planet from the harm that others continuously cause.
17 w
@jane_wangui It's essential for all stakeholders,governments, businesses, and individuals to prioritize sustainability and work together toward a greener planet.