Climate warning
Image of Black Rock

Black Rock

Climate warning

BlackRock accused of contributing to climate and human rights abuses

The burning of the Brazilian Amazon this summer illustrated in the most graphic way possible humanity’s war on the planet.

But such scenes play out every year in rainforests all around the world to make way for big agribusiness, away from the horrified stare of global television audiences. These forests are earth’s front-line defence against climate breakdown. One famous study published in 2017 estimated that forests and other ecosystems could make up more than a third of the total carbon mitigation by 2030 needed to limit global heating to a 2° Celsius rise.

Yet between 2001 and 2015, over 300 million hectares of tree cover was destroyed: nearly the size of India. About a quarter of this loss was driven by the production of commodities such as beef and palm oil,

according to a recent study. It also found that in south-east Asia alone, deforestation for growing commodities such as palm oil is responsible for as much as 78% of tree cover loss. This is madness.

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  • Peter Karanga

    4 d

    It’s crucial that we hold corporations accountable and push for sustainable practices. #ClimateJustice #ProtectRainforests #SustainableInvesting

    • Ann Nyambura

      1 w

      We can’t fight climate change while funding deforestation

      • zelda ninga

        1 w

        @ann_nyambura_542 only the people that don't care about climate change can do that

      • We Don't Have Time

        1 w

        Dear zelda ninga Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Black Rock by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time

        • Edwin wangombe

          1 w

          It is a shame that such corporations are destroying the only defense line the planet and humanity has to prevent their extinction... Shame on them

          • Edwin wangombe

            1 w

            This is shameful... They should face the wrath of the law ... And be held responsible for this

            • zelda ninga

              1 w

              @edwin_wangombvery true and charged with ecocide

            • walter lungayi

              1 w

              Investment decisions can significantly impact the environment and human rights, and it's essential for companies to prioritize sustainable and ethical practices in their operations.

              • Edwin wangombe

                1 w

                @walter_lungayi it is sad that all they think of and prioritize is the profits over the people... So sad

                • zelda ninga

                  1 w

                  @walter_lungayi Companies should always have a report in which they can indicate the amount of carbon they plan to emit in every new project.

                • Gorffly mokua

                  2 w

                  It is troubling that BlackRock is accused of exacerbating climate and human rights abuses, particularly as the destruction of crucial rainforests like the Amazon highlights the urgent need for corporate accountability and ethical investment practices.

                  • Edwin wangombe

                    1 w

                    @gorffly_mokua and also the government to take charge and punish these crimii

                  • Kelvin Thuranira kaberia

                    2 w

                    This makes me remember a book I ever read ,,,,,an enemy of the people,,,,,it's true anyone exploiting the resources for self gain is our enemy

                    • Gorffly mokua

                      2 w

                      @kelvin_thuranira_kaberia Indeed, An Enemy of the People captures that perfectly—exploitation of shared resources is a betrayal of the community.

                      • Edwin wangombe

                        1 w

                        @gorffly_mokua i agree... This is a true definition of the enemy of the people... Someone who is practicing ecocide is an enemy of humanity

                        • Edwin wangombe

                          1 w

                          @kelvin_thuranira_kaberia this selfish trend by these big corporations will be the end of us .. they only think about themselves... Shame on them

                        • rosebellendiritu

                          2 w

                          We all are aware of how how important trees are to our planet..we should not take it lightly when people destroy them.

                          • Edwin wangombe

                            1 w

                            @rosebellendiritu i wish i had authority... These corporations would have been punished for ecocide

                            • zelda ninga

                              1 w

                              @rosebellendiritu Until our government passes laws that ensure our environment is protected, this will continue to haunt us forever.

                            • Joseph Githinji

                              2 w

                              I agree with you, this is pure madness. Anyone exploiting our forests for financial gains is an enemy to nature and to our planet. This is unacceptable, and must stop immediately.

                              • Gorffly mokua

                                2 w

                                @joseph_githinji This will only stop if our leaders have a good will to do so!!

                                • Edwin wangombe

                                  1 w

                                  @joseph_githinji the government needs to take action and punish them for ecocide

                                  • Edwin wangombe

                                    1 w

                                    @gorffly_mokua it is terrifying that all this is happening and the government is not taking action

                                    • zelda ninga

                                      1 w

                                      @gorffly_mokua Our leaders should devise a law where corporations should be charged heavily to stop them from destroying the planet.

                                      • zelda ninga

                                        1 w

                                        @joseph_githinji The ones responsible are not in the said country where the forest is being destroyed, the ones allowing it are selfish and foolish to destroy their own country.

                                      • Jane Wangui

                                        2 w

                                        Trees do play a major role when it comes to dealing with climate change .we ought to come up with ways of protecting them at all costs.

                                        • Edwin wangombe

                                          1 w

                                          @jane_wangui the word is to protect them conserve them and ensure we take care of them not destroy them... Shame on the BlackRock

                                        • Peter Karanga

                                          2 w

                                          🌍🔥 The burning of the Brazilian Amazon this summer starkly highlights humanity's ongoing war on our planet. Every year, rainforests worldwide are destroyed for big agribusiness, often out of sight of global audiences. These forests are Earth's frontline defense against climate change. It's time to hold corporations accountable for their role in this destruction. #ClimateCrisis #Deforestation #HumanRights #BlackRock #ActNow

                                          • Edwin wangombe

                                            1 w

                                            @peter_karanga it is really sad... This is digging our own grave

                                            • zelda ninga

                                              1 w

                                              @peter_karanga The 9 nine countries sharing the Amazon should come together and know how they can work together and protect the forest.

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