"Farmers of the future" in Finland create an edible protein from air and electricity
A microbe is fed carbon dioxide, hydrogen and minerals in a process that uses electricity from renewable sources.
Solar Foods managed to create a protein-rich powder that can be used as an egg or milk substitute.
One kilogram of this new protein, called "Solein", emits 130 times less greenhouse gases than the same amount of protein from beef in the European Union, according to a study by sustainable food specialists at the University of Helsinki cited by Solar Foods.
The protein was authorized for sale in Singapore, where some restaurants incorporate it into ice cream, but it has not yet been classified as a food product in the EU or the United States.
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29 w
That sounds like sorcery 🧙
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Some of these innovations sound like they are from a Sci-Fi movie.....anyway, this would go a long way to promoting food security.
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This is great innovation, the world needs more of these innovations
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Singapore is already on board with ice cream made from air protein. When will the EU and US catch up?
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This is incredible! It would be a perfect substitute if they could manage the price and flavors.
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such a great innovation
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Solar Foods' innovation is a fantastic step towards sustainable food production.
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This is a great source of protein that aids in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the food production system.