Copenhagen is taking a new step into sustainable tourism with CopenPay, an innovative program by Wonderful Copenhagen. This initiative encourages tourists to pay for attractions through climate-friendly actions, bridging the gap between the desire for sustainable behaviour and actual actions.
People taking part in the initiative earn rewards at Copenhagen attractions ranging from free lunches or coffee to kayak tours or museum entries. To participate, they can for example:
🚲 Bike instead of drive
🚮 Help maintain the city by picking up litter while kayaking / beach clean up
👩🌾 Work in an urban garden
🤚Pledge to sustainable behaviour
Photo: Daniel Rasmussen
These actions can earn tourists different rewards in 24 places around Denmark's capital such as:
☕ Free lunches or cups of coffee
🛶 Kayak tours
🖼️ Free museum entries
🍦 Ice cream
🚲 Free bike rentals
For instance, biking to the National Gallery of Denmark or using public transport to reach CopenHill for skiing are rewarded with free entrance and a free skiing session.
“We must turn tourism from being an environmental burden into a force for positive change,” says Mikkel Aarø-Hansen, CEO of Wonderful Copenhagen.
Lord Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen adds, “CopenPay combines our rich cultural life with a strong commitment to sustainability, benefiting both the environment and the local community.”
Read more about this initiative:
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What if there isn't much litter to pick up?
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This is an interesting approach which encourages keeping the environment clean.
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Interesting...with such efforts we will surely bring about significant change in the near future and help reverse the effects of climate change.
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Dear Sarah Chabane Your climate love has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Københavns Kommune by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Vermeer, We Don't Have Time
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I would love to visit Copenhagen again and participate in CopenPay 🚲🛶
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This initiative will encourage fitness and green alternatives by incentivizing tourists to bike, walk, and engage in sustainable activities. This not only promotes physical health but also reduces carbon footprints, fostering an eco-friendly and active tourism experience in Copenhagen.
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This is so inspiring. It represent a novel approach to incentivizing eco-friendly behaviors among visitors. The program will foster a culture of environmental stewardship in the tourism sector.
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@walter_lungayi By integrating sustainable actions with tangible rewards, the program encourages mindful tourism and strengthens the local economy, making Copenhagen a model for sustainable urban living and tourism worldwide.
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A creative way to make sustainability a fun and integral part of the travel experience
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@dickson_mutai And a way for an individual to travel while keeping their emissions at an all time low. One can travel, have fun and remain sustainable at the same time.
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Love it!
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Unique way to promote environmental conservation.