Climate love
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Climate love

ihopa - the sharing economy upgraded

Ihopa’s pitch: Consumption is broken! We are forced to buy a lot of products that we barely use and that just take up valuable space and resources. But with rental being far too expensive and borrowing being very inconvenient, buying is often the only option. ihopa is a real sustainable alternative: All-inclusive access to well maintained premium products for home and leisure in your neighbourhood. Easy: no handovers or communication, simply book and use. Unlimited access is already part of your housing cost or subscription. Premium products from our partners, professionally maintained. Local 24/7 access through self-serviced boxes in your block. Sustainable: We replace 8 products with 1.

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  • Thomas Hou

    86 w

    Great idea! Could you elaborate on your data strategy so you can assess the demand for products?

    • Sarah Chabane

      87 w

      This is a great idea!

      • Adam Wallin

        87 w

        I approve of more circular and need-based consumption!

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