Climate love
Image of Electrolux Group

Electrolux Group

Climate love

The 90% recyclable vacuum cleaner

Today during the Circular Initiative 2021 the “2-Infinity” prototype vacuum cleaner will be unveiled by Electrolux in partnership with Stena Recycling. The appliance is close to being fully recyclable, to a level of 90% compared to around 75% for a regular vacuum cleaner on the market. As a next step a small pre-series of up to 300 appliances will be evaluated for production. Read more:

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Electrolux Group

147 w

Electrolux has actively been working on designing for recycled material, and for effective recycling, for many years. Even if we have achieved a lot it has not been enough to create a well-functioning market for recycled materials. In order to close the gap we actively engage with others, in this case Stena Recycling, where we all have a common circular solution objective. And while recycling is important we are at the same time looking into all dimensions of circularity, including rethink, reuse and business models, and we have set a target to become circular and climate neutral by 2030. How we think about sustainability overall, and circularity in particular, is based on three pillars: 1. It needs to be attainable – accessible to many and clear on how it is sustainable 2. It has to be irresistible – it sounds challenging, but it needs to be a more appealing proposition than the ordinary alternative 3. It needs to work really well – meaning consumers do not accept a compromise on performance or functionality The vacuum cleaner is interesting as a category since it has a clear shape that is individual for every product which provides specific challenges and opportunities for learning. This is also a category where we have marketed our unique Green Range for many years, which contains up to 70% recycled plastics.

  • Christine Bro

    57 w

    Awesome Amazing the idea that it’s incorporating sustainability into the fdedign and functionality of the product itself allowing it to be consumer friendly by easy repair and reuse rather than constantly replacement of broken products for profit rather than continuing use . Live vac I’m looking forward to Zooming over the Floor as soon as possible!! Environmental friendly business models always

    • Evangeline Wanjiru

      57 w

      Let's all conceptualize the 3 R's

      • Felixosmancole

        141 w

        This is really the future. thanks Electrolux and Stena recycling

        • emma g

          142 w

          I would be very tempted to move to Electrolux now this sounds amazing. It does need to be as good as a dyson for me as a dog owner. Are they as good, hope so for my next purchase

          • Neill Conroy MNI

            142 w

            Are you designing Vacuums in several models, including upright and stick models? The traditional Electrolux canister vacuum is very difficult for someone in a wheelchair to manoeuvre. It is crucial that climate goals continue supporting other environmental as well as social goals achieved recently. Better support for the disabled is one of those goals.

              • Electrolux Group

                147 w

                Electrolux has actively been working on designing for recycled material, and for effective recycling, for many years. Even if we have achieved a lot it has not been enough to create a well-functioning market for recycled materials. In order to close the gap we actively engage with others, in this case Stena Recycling, where we all have a common circular solution objective. And while recycling is important we are at the same time looking into all dimensions of circularity, including rethink, reuse and business models, and we have set a target to become circular and climate neutral by 2030. How we think about sustainability overall, and circularity in particular, is based on three pillars: 1. It needs to be attainable – accessible to many and clear on how it is sustainable 2. It has to be irresistible – it sounds challenging, but it needs to be a more appealing proposition than the ordinary alternative 3. It needs to work really well – meaning consumers do not accept a compromise on performance or functionality The vacuum cleaner is interesting as a category since it has a clear shape that is individual for every product which provides specific challenges and opportunities for learning. This is also a category where we have marketed our unique Green Range for many years, which contains up to 70% recycled plastics.

                • Victor Erik Ramos

                  147 w

                  I really like your strategy here, these three principles are sound. What I´d like to ask is how you view and prioritize repairability? For how long do you supply models with spare parts for instance? Thanks!

                  • Electrolux Group

                    146 w

                    @victor_erik_ramos We have had 10 years of spare parts availability as a fundamental benchmark for a long time. We are now increasing our focus on the ability to repair, both by incorporating it into our core product creation process and by increasing resources, in order to meet and exceed our sustainability targets through circular economy design. To enable products being in use longer by being repaired, reused and recycled at end of life we are looking to create new business models benefiting the consumer, repairers, our own business and of course the environment.

                • We Don't Have Time

                  147 w

                  Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Electrolux and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

                  • Johannes Luiga

                    147 w

                    This is really the future! Thanks Electrolux and Stena recycling

                    • Sven Nilson

                      147 w

                      Perhaps with PE-Plast !?

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