
Global Mission With a Local Vision

In a recent article for the European Climate Change review, Stuart Taylor, our UK country director, discussed the potential impact of local environmental efforts in Africa on the fight against climate change. Building on this topic, we want to explore with you the importance of our local work in face of global warming and climate change. 

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Narrowing down on our operations in this post, Stuart explains that the essence of his article is tackling a tendency with some individuals and organizations to prefer taking climate action in the U.K. instead of Africa. While taking action against climate change is crucial everywhere, the continent of Africa presents unique opportunities.
At Justdiggit, we have a global mission as we strive to cool down the planet. With such a planetary vision, we fall in line with countless other organizations like We Don’t Have Time, and many others beyond this platform that recognize global warming as a major threat. However, our approach is deeply rooted in local, personal impact. We directly witness the potential of working in Africa.
A livable planet is impossible without functioning ecosystems and balanced biodiversity. The impact we make is ultimately achieved through the collective efforts of countless individuals in villages and communities throughout countries like Kenya and Tanzania. We provide these communities with jobs, financial stability, educational opportunities, and a healthier environment. This local, personal impact is happening within the broader context of global warming. 
The dynamic relationship between local and global impact is fascinating, far-reaching, and complex. The potential that lies in restoring Africa is becoming increasingly apparent and recognized. In articles and posts to follow on this platform we will dive deeper into different aspect of our work to illustrate not only the impact we make, but also the different considerations that go into our work at Justdiggit.
Read the full article here:

  • Evangeline Wanjiru

    53 w

    Green is the way forward to a sustainable future

    • Tabitha Kimani

      57 w

      Generations will remember your great undertaking to restore the climate.

      • Justdiggit

        57 w

        @tabitha_kimani Thank you, a lot, for such inspiring words! We hope generations to come will be able to remember our work by experiencing the benefits and impact of our work that we have achieved together with so many others.

      • MarkosDiego

        57 w

        Love your work!

      • Patrick Kiash

        57 w

        Your regreening efforts in Africa truly shine...and it is very encouraging. I commend your work. Keep it up.

        • Justdiggit

          57 w

          @patrick_kiash Thank you for your warm words. To see our work resonate with, and encourage other people brings us joy and keeps us motivated!

        • Ingrid Hesser

          58 w

          Very interesting and relevant!

          • Justdiggit

            58 w

            @ingrid_hesser_779 Thank you Ingrid! Did you check out Stuart's article as well? It may be interesting to read how our story fits in the bigger picture of organizations' considerations to take climate action!

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