Climate love
Image of United Nations

United Nations

Climate love

| United Nations

Human has always been a great influence in climate change due to the activities done in daily bases.
We are the one's that have solutions and can also give economic benefits and protect our environment.
Season have really changed due to our environment interpretation and has caused us not to have great farm produce in moments of planting and harvesting.
Solutions are within us,we really need to take this changes seriously am glad about the discussion and insight that's going on at the Cop29.

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  • Peter Karanga



    2 w

    By adopting eco-friendly methods and reducing our carbon footprint, we can work towards a healthier planet and ensure better yields for our farmers.

    • Kelvin Thuranira kaberia



      2 w

      Together we can do it,,,,it was once said where one or two have gathered for climate action something good happens----its our prayer something good on the way


      Re-watch all our COP29 broadcasts

      We need to stop methane and #BuyMoreTime