JB Pritzker
Climate love
86 w
New State Law Requires Newly Built or Renovated Homes to Support EV Charging
Illinois houses, apartments and condos being built from 2024 onward must equip EV charging points.
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Businesses and leaders will listen and reply on We Don't Have Time
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This is a futuristic law that will be a game changer
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Dear Joyce Waturu Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to JB Pritzker and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Bertie We Don't Have Time
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Nice ... This will make EV users have more convenience allowing more people to buy EVs
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Good to have EV charging
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Wonderful. This law helps to deal with anxiety over a vehicles energy/power eventually wooing many citizens to buy EVS.
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This is a decision that is set to boost transition to clean energy. Other states should be advised to do the same.
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That's great law that will ensure easy transition to EV's,this clearly shows that these states will have sustainable and affordable clean energy