Climate warning
Image of Ulf Kristersson

Ulf Kristersson

Climate warning

Sweden: Is this really the climate policy that the Swedish people want?

Sweden: Is this really the climate policy that the Swedish people want? Note how the official line is now to even wave away the obvious, concrete effects of the extreme weather. In 2023, it became clear: We are at the beginning of a new era, where the weather will only become more and more extreme. There are mega-droughts, hurricanes, cyclones, houses that freeze to ice in the blizzard. July was by far the hottest month ever recorded globally. Huge fires raged in southern Europe, in Sweden the rain hit a new personal best with heavy flooding as a result. Rebuilding after the storm Han's ravages and the flood of Svartån will be expensive, to some extent impossible. Nor can we parry every future blow from climate change – but we can prevent damage by adapting as best we can. Map which areas will be particularly vulnerable, strengthen existing buildings, construct dams, secure the supply systems. It is extensive work. The government's own expert council for climate adaptation states that contributions to this activity must increase "vigorously" (DN 21/9). But the government? It responds by lowering the tax on petrol and diesel by 6.5 billion, as well as reducing funding for climate and the environment by 259 million (DN 20/9). Contributions to climate adaptation work are cut by a third, the budget speaks of a "winding down" (DN 21/9). We don't have a climate crisis, says the party. This is because the government's partners, the Sweden Democrats, have joined the prevailing right-wing populist trend and regard the entire climate issue as a left-wing conspiracy: The science is wrong, the alarms about global warming are exaggerated. We don't have a climate crisis, says the party, and to the extent that such a crisis still exists, little Sweden can still do nothing (SvD 19/8 -22). And the government is adapting. The new official line, then, is to even wave away the obvious, tangible effects of the extreme weather: Storm Hans, who is it? Is this really the climate policy that the Swedish people want?

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  • walter lungayi

    68 w

    The Swedish government's decision to cut funding for climate and environmental initiatives while lowering taxes on petrol and diesel sends a concerning message about their priorities in the face of increasingly extreme weather events. It's important to acknowledge the reality of the climate crisis and take action to mitigate its effects, rather than dismissing it as a left-wing conspiracy.

    • Patrik Lobergh

      70 w

      The Swedish Government is hostage of the right wing party "Sweden Democrats" who originate from Nazist founders. @ Ulf Kristersson: shame on you!

      • We Don't Have Time

        71 w

        Dear Patrik Lobergh Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Ulf Kristersson by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time

        • Grace Njeri

          71 w

          A big No!

          • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

            71 w

            The question raised here is crucial: Is the current climate policy in Sweden aligned with what the people truly want and need? In a time of increasingly extreme weather events and the undeniable impacts of climate change, there's a growing need for proactive climate adaptation measures. However, the government's recent decisions, such as cutting contributions to climate adaptation work and lowering taxes on fossil fuels, seem contradictory to the urgent climate action required

            • rosebellendiritu

              71 w

              It's definitely NOT what they want.

              • zelda ninga

                71 w

                Sweden needs to do better than this.

                • Markus Lutteman

                  71 w

                  The government’s policy is anti-science, and anti-future .

                • Sarah Chabane

                  71 w



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