The plastic pollution is really extremely serious now. And, yet, still companies, like Coastline, continue to bring my immediate family's members a tremendous amount of really burdensome packaging - with every meal, during weekdays, excluding holidays, comes with one 'film' plastic bag.
If a person like myself was not assisting them, my immediate family members would need a P.S.A. (Personal Service Assistant), as a representative had informed me a couple weeks ago, tasked with all that has been completed with the constant, consistent seven day a week sorting, separation, categorization, as well as clean up. People like my immediate family members are not going to take the 'film' plastic bags from Coastline to be recycled at the grocery store. Cartons (refrigerated and shelf stable) are not recyclable at my immediate family members' transfer station, even though this particular material is, in fact, highly 100% recyclable. I wrote to Kickstarter today where a person like myself would start the pledge of $22.00 for the zero materials bins by TerraCycle, Inc. just as East Amwell, New Jersey has implemented (This Particular Town Really Deserves A Climate Love From This Particular Forum For ALL That The The Community Is Doing For Our Natural Resources In Terms of 'Eliminating The Idea of Waste'). The TerraCycle, Inc. zero materials bins will, as well as MUST be funded by people like myself. I have absolutely no regrets paying for these particular bins, on behalf of my immediate family members, out of my own pocket, and when working at the Chittenden County, VT restaurant, the funds came directly out of my very low biweekly salary (For The TerraCycle, Inc. Bins). I also plan on purchasing, for my immediate family members, perhaps a years supply of 100% compostable napkins, tissues, and toilet paper. A person like myself has not used these particular materials since first beginning to assist them. I have since only used reusable cloths. However, people like my immediate family members don't want to use anything else, so it would really make sense for the above materials to be completely 100% compostable for them (and a person like myself will try to find 100% compostable coffee filters for their perhaps year supply as well). So all they would have to do is compost the aforementioned 100% compostables. I am, as well as have been, making so much as easy as realistically possible for them (so that there will be absolutely no frustrations, no onus on them whatsoever, and no unnecessary burdens). Coastline, however, continues to create these particular really unnecessary burdens with all the tremendous, totally unnecessary packaging that a person like myself is now, more determined than ever before, with the alarming facts, staring us right in the face, about plastic pollution (microbeads/microplastics/PFAS) that MUST be addressed/solved as realistically as humanly possible.
Happy, Healthy, & Safe, 100% Plastic Free July To ALL!
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I believe its very possible for companies to go plastic free if they are intentional in exploring alternative ways of packaging
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@winnie_nguru it's very possible and also there are many alternatives
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Education and awareness are vital in tackling plastic pollution.