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Pinned by We Don't Have Time
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You are more than welcome to discuss the broadcast and ask questions to our speakers in the comment field before and during the broadcasts. You can watch the previous day's broadcast on https://wedonthavetime.org/sthlm50 (scroll down to ‘Full program’ and click on the segment you are interested in)
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Very effective idea to reduce global warming and climate change
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Great event, thank you!
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Renewable energy is way to go
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#Stop fossil fuels, coal and charcoal burning 🔥 #Zambia
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What is your position on electric transportation and renewable energy? Also energy efficiency? Finally I have a forest I'm building all over the world with Evertreen.
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Please support Rahmina and MAPA by playing the Save The World song https://artists.landr.com/692531593214
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Hemp was excluded from COP26!
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“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has and it never will.” ~ Frederick Douglass, 1857 “Essential military and civilian demand” is an accelerated U.S. federal emergency preparedness protocol that needs to be globalized. Cannabis “hemp” has been a federally recognized “strategic resource” since 1942. Hemp is “strategic” for food & energy security in every country. If you’re not willing to consider hemp objectively, then you’re not worried enough about the quality of life in future.
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There’s only one way to heal Earth’s wounded atmosphere in the time we may have left to make a difference. Please consider my work, as time is running out at an accelerating rate. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of recognizing the Gaiatherapeutic value of hemp for production of terpenes, proteins, oxygen, sequestration of carbon, producing cellulosic hydrogen and much more — ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
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Cannabis hemp produces more atmospheric aerosol terpenes in a shorter span of time than any other agricultural resource on Earth; as it produces complete nutrition and clean energy from the same organic harvest; as it also heals Earth’s soil water air and wildlife. Terpenes refract solar UVB radiation that’s UVBroiling the planet & serve as cloud condensation nuclei. ARE YOU LISTENING? #ClimateSolutionDeniers are a greater threat to life on Earth than climate change itself!🤯
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“Don’t Look At Hemp!”
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Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Time is the only thing we can’t make more of. Time is the NFT of the 21st century. #Cannabis #hemp is uniquely capable of replenishing Earth’s atmosphere with aerosol terpenes that block increasing solar UVB radiation, in the time we may have left to make a difference. At the same time, hemp is the only crop that produces complete nutrition and clean energy from the same organic harvest.
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“What to do?” Please consider the Nature-based solution that achieves resolution of several major global problems at the same time. Cannabis hemp is uniquely qualified to effect change on a global scale in the time we may have left to make a difference.
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Dear Bjorn, your speech was the most crucial one of the week. Thanks!!!
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Good morning🌞to All! from Ashland, in Southern Oregon, USA, Mother🌎Earth You are invited to consider “The Tree of Life”* solution to many problems at the same time. “Cannabis vs. Climate Change: How hot does Earth have to get before all solutions are considered?” https://www.amazon.com/Cannabis-vs-Climate-Change-1/dp/1497451477 On Vimeo https://vimeo.com/108901421 *Revelation 22:2 “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation%2022%3A2&version=KJV California Cannabis Ministry blog http://californiacannabisministry.blogspot.com/ @projectpeace @PJvonH @PJvonHartmann on Twitter
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Let's make from now on every day a World Environment Day; that will show the urgency of the needed change to survive. And thank you so much for the this action week online globally!
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You had a commercial between the presentation and voting results — of third world countries with unbelievable pollution. However, there was NO indications that they were 3rd world BECAUSE of the so called sophisticated industrial nations. There should be flags placed over all those dumping sites of the countries RESPONSIBLE for the refuse and pollution. The PSA makes it look these THIRD WORLD countries are to blame. The following PSA was about solutions, which used the voice over of one of those INDUSTRIAL (white nations) countries. MOST of the people talking about solutions are the very people who created the problem in the first place. When you focus on problems then focus on those who created the problem (industrial nations) AND how they “infect” 3rd world countries. If you don’t recognize and admit YOU have a problem then people, those people who consume the most will continue CONSUMING. NOW that’s it’s a problem THEY want to work together. People must also clean up their consciousness.
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There are people presenting, who have few skills in presenting their ideas, and not prepared BUT those are just the people we want, they need help in being able to share their efforts BECAUSE they are ACTIVELY DOING something. They make it personal.
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Hemp is one of the most diverse and useful plants requiring less resources such as water to grow. The problem is many people are unaware of it because they usually aren’t subsidized by governments who favor petroleum products, such as pesticide used on products like corn, soy, wheat, etc. by companies like Monsanto. I Love hemp milk, more productively efficient than oat OR almond milk. Unfortunately, my store stopped selling it probably because people weren’t buying it because they were unaware of its delicious taste, its nutritional and environmentally positive effects for so many different products.
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Precisely so. I think you might appreciate my work, posted a moment ago.
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U-Turn - I agree with ditching any connections to Weight Watchers. I like their idea of working together as a group. Some ideas are international some are for reaching the local community. We have to have “multiple streams of engagement.”
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PLOGGA? Handing out plastic bags? One part of sustainability is to STOP MANUFACTURING unnecessary STUFF.
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@Gil_Friend We are glad to join hands with my SustainOnline. Thank you.
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5+ because you are all making a wonderful effort! Greetings from Atlanta, Georgia USA
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We must reduce our consumption/usage of resources and energy immediately ! We must stagger our daily work and life to day on and day off .. or one monthly week shutdown and so on in that thinking !
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Greetings from Bucharest, Romania! My thanks and congratulations to UNEP, Governments of Sweden and Kenya, to www.wedonthavetime.org platform and to all the panelists for their very insightful speaches! George Florin Staicu Independent banking, microfinance, SME lending, ESG, UN 2030 Agenda - SDGs, European Union Green Deal, Fintech promoter, Public-Private Partnership digital green blue inclusive sustainable economies & finance, blended finance, gender equality women empowerment, circular economy, social performance, learning & development, strategic planning, risk management, consultant, trainer and business coach Global Ambassador of Sustainability - initiative - partnership UNESCO, UN Habitat and American University of Dubai - https://lnkd.in/dxaSfHaY Member of the International Finance Corporation - GLC "Directory of Training Professionals" (https://www.growlearnconnect.org/micro-app-directory?combine=staicu) Member of UpLink, the open innovation platform of the World Economic Forum - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/honored-proud-accepted-member-innovation-initiative-uplink-staicu/ Admitted as postgraduate student (March-May, 2022) at the Siena International School on Sustainable Development sponsored by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UN SDSN), the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS); Santa Chiara Lab – University of Siena; Enel Foundation; the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS) and the SDSN Europe - https://lnkd.in/e96zqq8y https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/really-happy-most-important-achievements-my-career-admission-staicu/ Signatory of the International Finance Corporation - GLC Principles for Learning (https://www.growlearnconnect.org/list-signatories) Writer on the International Finance Corporation's Grow Learn Connect Blog - https://www.growlearnconnect.org/blogs/use-case-studies-training Owner, creator and administrator of the LinkedIn group "Best practices in UN SDGs, EU GD, ESG, circular economy green blue sustainable development finance" https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12622593 Owner, creator and administrator of the LinkedIn group "Microfinance Best Practices" https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3040764/ Member of the Social Performance Task Force standards projects - responsible finance https://sptf.info/index.php?option=com_civicrm&task=civicrm%2Fprofile%2Fview&Itemid=638&reset=1&id=19454&gid=15 https://lnkd.in/eWZgrY8k Member of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Group (https://sdgs.un.org/user/4462) and Member of the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) DGROUPS - https://uncdf.dgroups.io/account?page=profile&member_info_id=10900270 George Florin Staicu LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgestaicuromaniaconsult
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In the case of financing, it is a successful plan in realizing what we are doing now, but a different agenda must be done at the time.
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Greetings of the day to everyone form Kingdom of Bahrain. Looking forward for active participation and contribution in future events, jlc728@gmail.com, @global_citizen_0000
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"We have the money for it". How much? Hundreds of billions, or trillions of dollars? You need to be specific what number you have in mind! If you mean trillions of dollars, please explain how you envision getting your hands on it? The IMF solution is to increase taxes on fossil fuels by $6 trillion. If that is your solution, too, wouldn't it be more honest to day so?
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I can only imagine the confusion caused by the "counter" on the one hand, which relates mainly to externalities, and the actual examples that Nick Nuttall cites, which are actual subsidies.
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Confusing! Yes, it would be crazy if governments were actually "spending" $11 million a minute on fossil fuel subsidies. But they aren't. What that $11 million represents mainly is the externalities from combusting fossil fuels.
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I am listening, and thanks for sharing my perspective. However, I have never suggested ignoring externalities. They are clearly a vital part of the narrative. What I object to is rebranding them as "subsidies", and speaking of them as "government spending". By definition, costs related to externalities are NOT being taxed, so how can one speak of that as money governments are mis-spending? Further, to say that the IMF-defined "implicit subsidies" (92% of which are estimates of externalities) as CAUSING environmental damage is a tautology, as what the IMF is measuring is the monetary value of that damage. Further, your great "Don't choose extinction" video speaks several times about fossil fuel subsidies being in the "hundreds of billions of dollars a year", which is what all other intergovernmental organizations — including the UN's own Environment Program, UNEP — and even most NGOs would agree is the right order of magnitude. It is confusing to show both Frankie citing that amount and in the same video showing the IMF global estimate of $6 trillion a year. That undermines your credibility, and suggests that terms and facts don't matter if they get in the way of the message you want to convey.
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Only to thank WDHT team for such an wonderful organisation putting together amazing key notes speakers and rising the urgency of action: Chile Sin Ecocidio feels humble and thankful for have been able to join you and be part on such an amazing moment in history. Tack så så mycket för allt.
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every year over 10m tonnes of plastic get released to our oceans. up from 8 in 2018 and expect to reach 100m by 2030.
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Hello,As subsaharan Africa reducing to desert wall, What can do to mitigate that? seeing that we are experiencing rainfall deficiency leading to shortage of food stuffs.Inflation rate is rising towards food and energy jeopardizing lives and livelihoods accross subsaharan Africa.
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There is no water shortage problem,problem is the usage of water for commercial purposes. Water is for life and every living being has a right on it. All water is diverted for industrial use and these industries dumps all the waste toxic chemicals in it,leading the destruction of portable water. And also chemical intensive agriculture does the same. We have to adopt traditional natural farming methods based on forming self-sustaining communities.
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Make time
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Many Thanks, WDT Team and Bro. Ingmar, Eco-Sense is Cost Free. Can we also focus on war and defense, arms sales, and parallel economies failing us as a team,. I hope the money trapped there is released to have resources when we do not have time. Prof JV, Coordinator, People Science Forum, KRVP India, www. krvp.in www.oeloiusob.com e-mail : jagsiobbindia@gmail.com
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We need self sustainable communities based on natural farming and living. Need to free land from industrial agriculture.
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Very true! Have you watched our session on regenerative agriculture? I think you will like it
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@sarah_chabane yes But not completely,will watch the remaining.
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@sarah_chabane please. I like the idea. Naijuka24@gmail.com
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About movers & shakers; "that every person on Earth can take climate action" (not quite) "leave not one person behind" (not quite): Do you know that there is a small population hidden in western countries who are PREVENTED FROM ACTING beyond already having reduced their footprint to the barest minimum? How will you empower them to contribute? They deeply wish to contribute to rewilding lands, health and food sourcing, but cannot act because they have no access to land, no "place" within society or even place to live: denied employment> no income > incapacity to rent or buy land and work on it, even though it is a crucial and actual, physical need for them to live in natural settings. They are absent in statistics & medical "evidence" because they do not function like the majority: they are cognitively and physiologically "different" (eg people with autonomic deregulation under Sympathetic Challenge(s) of societal-sedentary life, which includes some medical syndromes, autism, gifted...) - their nervous system requires nature for co-regulation just to live without constant man-induced crises then blamed on their "personality" and then they are considered a "load" - it does not exist when they can live in nature). Societal humans have forgotten the marvels of bio-Life co-regulation in nature. These people are excluded from societal participation (eg denied employment, medical care or their viewpoint unheard, academic publication denied) because of those differences that change behaviour to more humane and are "socially isolated", therefore without "voice" in any "democratic" or "free" or "social-techno connected" process, and without social leadership possibility. HOW will all your plans, which are meant for "everyone"...that fits within society ensure that they too are INCLUDED and not left them behind to die early as current society does to south world billions? They are thrown in poverty and forced into wither urban "homeless" devaluation & destitution, or (if they have a vehicle) have to live on outback roads in Australia to retain some health and some dignity. Yet they demonstrate that the poorest are the ones most likely to COLLABORATE, share resources and make creative & multi-use of them, help each other out, and not practice "exploit & exclude": they could be example! They could be doing what nobody & no economy, no institution, organisation or group wants to pay for: the actual labour of "rewilding" disturbed lands currently reserved for developers & wealth with high eco-footprint; they could demonstrate how nature co-regulation is capable of reducing the disturbing Drives in human health that steer behaviour to selfish Darwinian ideas of "survival" - far more quickly than education, convincing minds, slow-changing cultures, or relying on the uncertain shift of heart in mental "selves". They could show how to reground humanity in nature and its great ape nature - the only thing that "all" individuals truly have in common, the only way to truly feel "at one" with animals and the global commons without appealing to high activation of psycho-physical drives). The effect us proven anecdotally but further research is blocked. If interested in this innovative and out-of-box option, there is a research derived pilot project that has been formulated to demonstrate how this could work in practice, without interfering with all other strategies, working with them in a complementary manner. It is however prevented from accessing research grants, philanthropy, or crowd funding, to find a piece of land to begin the ACTING, and therefore from happening at all: the Foraging Station Experiment - visit https://marikabouchon.com/the-foraging-station-experiment/ Thank you for your time & effort in reading this.
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Very inspiring. We need Environmental warriors in our government to influence policy making. #greenMP
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Truly we shall have a better world that we need if we come together, share our ideas and support one another, we have no other planet it's our collective responsibility to protect, nurture and show some love to it, What if we all plant trees , fruits and flowers atleast Ten trees every week? What if we say no environment pullution? Feel free to share with me your ideas +254793747568. It's time to act!
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I think if we focus more on planting at least even ten trees especially on our rural areas and our industrial areas to save our oxygen then we'll be helping combating the climate crisis a great deal
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Thank you Mr. President! Long live Kenya.
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Question: How do you see the way forward, for what needs to be done in impact investing? What is lacking?
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The work in Stockholm is great but we don't need another Silicon Valley that backs everything in a Developed rather than Emerging economy mindset. We need regional and national hubs that can connect capital to emerging markets to empower reduced inequality and finance startups that are fit for markets
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What an impactful platform! Following from Kenya 🇰🇪 Thank you! 💚
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I give @Arvet 5💚, their idea and solution toward the building is awesome. I once listened to @Sandra explaining the whole process in #Swedenwoodlife convention hosted by Nairobi Sweden embassy. And their solutions toward buildings is worth to be considered.
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Building in wood is an important step for the construction sector to become more climate friendly. 💚 to Arvet in the Dragon den😊