
Why do landowners like Janet and Raul choose NCX?

Not all carbon capture projects are deep in the Amazon or in faraway corners of the world. Some are in areas where you might least expect, like 20 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
This is where NCX landowners, Janet and Raul Chiesa, live and manage their property. The Chiesas have a sprawling 120-acre property dotted with yellow poplar trees.
The history of the Chiesa property began with Janet’s great-grandfather, Mr. Sredy, who bought this 120-acre property in the 1920s. Shortly after the purchase, the property began to fall under hard times, with land vegetation being heavily affected by air pollution from a nearby steel mill. By the mid-1950s, the Sredy family faced some tough decisions about the future of the property.
However, the Sredy family was undeterred by challenges, and viewed their property as an extension of their family legacy and sought to bring back the land to its former glory.
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Fast-forwarding to 2007, Janet and Raul formed Beckets Run Woodlands LLC as a way to manage the legacy of the family's property while also generating a source of income. Under Janet and Raul’s stewardship, they’ve enacted forest management plans that emphasize modern approaches to ecosystem-based and economically sustainable forestry practices.
The drive to restore the 120-acre property has also guided Janet and Raul to invest in the health of their land. They’ve invested in invasive plant control and implemented timber improvement practices to better the quality and density of the trees on the property, which is beneficial for both carbon sequestration and timber production.
Janet and Raul recognize that the opportunity to harvest their valuable timber always will exist, but they also realize that timber harvest prices fluctuate. The variation in timber pricing makes for a challenging decision of the future for Beckets Run Woodlands LLC. In contemplating the future of their family property, the Chiesas began to question what was the best financial decision: to harvest timber or not.
When evaluating NCX, Janet and Raul felt comfortable because NCX puts carbon on the same economic footing as timber. It is important to understand how economic decisions can drive environmental decisions. Land is oftentimes the largest financial asset for a family, and harvesting the land has traditionally represented a stable source of income that goes towards paying property taxes or other family expenses. NCX works together with landowners to ensure that they are fairly compensated for preserving their land that otherwise would’ve been cleared for timber harvesting. That way, both the climate and landowners benefit.
NCX’s contracts are being evaluated on a yearly basis, and there is no acreage minimum or participation fees to balance. Given this, Janet and Raul felt like becoming NCX landowners was the best decision they could make to weather the fluctuations in the timber and carbon markets. Since NCX doesn't lock them into long-term contracts, Janet and Raul also have more freedom and control over their carbon projects. This gives them the best economic leverage to provide for their family while balancing the legacy of their family’s property.
Janet and Raul are aware of the ongoing climate crisis, but they feel optimistic since they view the work of Beckets Run Woodland LLC as a way to fight rising carbon emissions in the atmosphere. The money that Janet and Raul receive from selling carbon credits on the Natural Capital Exchange will be reinvested in continuing their restoration efforts.
We invite you to read more about Janet and Raul’s story on our website.

  • Evangeline Wanjiru

    56 w

    Environmental conservation is key

    • john linus Tom

      63 w


      • Markus Lutteman

        65 w

        Very inspiring.

        • Suma Ayyagari

          65 w

          When organizations helps individuals without exploitation, everyone can benefit. This success story is a leading example for that.

          • Patrick Kiash

            65 w

            Their Restoring efforts are commendable.

            • Sarah Chabane

              66 w

              NCX's solution is so interesting! All landowners should be convinced to join the Natural Capital Exchange

              • Tabitha Kimani

                66 w

                Conserving the environment for generations. From one generation to the next.

                • Ford Brodeur

                  66 w

                  It's awesome to read that Janet and Raul are continuing their restoration efforts with the money they've received from selling carbon credits.

                  Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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