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Climate love

Solar-panel-covered hybrid truck offers 3,000 to 6,000 free miles a year

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A Swedish academic-industry collaboration is developing lightweight solar panels for trucks to harness solar energy from the vehicles' surfaces, reducing operational costs and emissions. The initiative, which includes Uppsala University, Eksjö Maskin & Truck, Midsummer, Ernsts Express, Dalakraft, and Scania, aims to determine the potential solar energy generation, carbon emissions reduction, grid interaction possibilities, and overall climate impact reduction of truck transport. The first plug-in hybrid experimental truck in the project has 100 square meters of solar panels covering its 18-meter trailer, producing around 8,000 kWh annually in Sweden.

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  • Timothy Waithaka


    74 w

    This is a brilliant innovation, and a real kicker to climate control.

    • Hilda Wangui


      74 w

      This is a positive milestone to go

      • Saustine Lusanzu


        74 w

        This is an amazing project, African countries should adopt this project

        • walter lungayi



          74 w

          This is an improvement in truck industries, this is the way to go.


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