Climate love
Image of Global Runners

Global Runners

Climate love

Swedish travel company stays on the ground. Will only offer train journeys!

From the founders of the Swedish Travel company Globalrunner: "Globalrunners was the first to offer all trains instead of flights on our trips in 2016. A few years later, we canceled the trips to which there were no sustainable transports from Sweden, such as Cuba, Iceland, Nepal, Mongolia, Istanbul, India, and more. We placed the responsibility on the customer to choose, flight or train. We saw a trend where more and more people chose the train, but unfortunately it has not only stopped but turned around. On our wintertours 2022, only 2-3 people choose trains on our trips, the rest choose to fly. Emissions of greenhouse gases affect the climate with worsening floods, famine and extreme weather as a result. After the Jizerska tour in February 2022, we will no longer offer flights to any guest on any trip. We will instead shift to the train (and bus if the train does not go all the way forward as to Moena on the Marcialongare trip). Will all our customers accompany us on our journeys by train? Maybe not all at once. Hopefully, new customers sign up who also like to travel, discover new places and who realize that we must act NOW. We want to be proud of our company and do what we feel in our stomach, heart and brain is the only right thing." THIS IS TRUE LEADERSHIP. CLIMATE BEFORE SHORT-TERM PROFIT. Not the other way around. I would love to book a vacation with this travel company. The mindset we need! Help more do the same. Share this climate love and give Globalrunner some free marketing. They need it and they deserve it! Read more and book your next trip with:

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

Ellika Nyqvist

111 w

Thank you all for your support on our step to more sustainable travel. At Globalrunners, we can already see a trend - new customers signing up for our tours because they can go by train (which they could before but everyone did not know of), old customers either trying the train or at least taking it into consideration. What we have tried to communicate as one out of many advantages with train travel is that you can fit in several trips in one journey - for example city, skiing and beach vacation in one tour. This seems to have landed well, especially old loyal guests who have travelled with us before take the opportunity and stay longer after the ordinary tour or combine for example the cross country skiing race trip Jizerska in Czech Republic with a visit to Bratislava and many other alternatives. This winter, one Marcialonga guest (Italy's Vasaloppet) continued to down hill skiing and work in Switzerland after the ordinary tour with us in Italy. Another Marcialonga guest who has worked all her life at SAS took the train, and will do it next winter again on one of other tours. There are many negative prejudices about train travel in Europe that we need to turn around. Like "it is so expensive". Combining 3 different vacations/business trips in one is much cheaper by train than by flying up and down or doing it three times back and forth. And more expensive for who? 1. It is not always more expensive with train. I have taken the train Stockholm - Switzerland for 1000 SEK (100 Euros) several times. It is unusual with such cheap air tickets to Switzerland, and most people forget costs for transfer to and from airports. 2. For people who got their cellars destroyed in Gävle or half of their houses in Germany and Belgium in last summers floods, a difference of sometimes a hundred Euros between train and air travel is n o t h i n g compared to the costs they have to cover now with their houses due to the climate change due to our lifestyle with all our emissions. 3. The ones it will really be expensive for are the ones who never can afford to travel, nor by air, nor by train. People living where coping with the climate change will not be possible, they will have to emigrate and they already are. The same argument that "it takes longer time" goes for number 2 and 3. For whom does it take longer time, repairing your house will take much longer and we, who have the privilege to choose between high emission travel or low emission travel, should be able to offer a night more on NightJet in order not to force millions of people having to emigrate as climate refugees. You have to sleep somewhere anyway and you do it well and comfortably on NightJet (night trains in Europe). So, we feel we are on the right track and are grateful for your support and the attention showed by We don't have time. Welcome aboard on our more sustainble tours! You find them all on /Ellika, CEO at Globalrunners

  • Ellika Nyqvist

    111 w

    Thank you all for your support on our step to more sustainable travel. At Globalrunners, we can already see a trend - new customers signing up for our tours because they can go by train (which they could before but everyone did not know of), old customers either trying the train or at least taking it into consideration. What we have tried to communicate as one out of many advantages with train travel is that you can fit in several trips in one journey - for example city, skiing and beach vacation in one tour. This seems to have landed well, especially old loyal guests who have travelled with us before take the opportunity and stay longer after the ordinary tour or combine for example the cross country skiing race trip Jizerska in Czech Republic with a visit to Bratislava and many other alternatives. This winter, one Marcialonga guest (Italy's Vasaloppet) continued to down hill skiing and work in Switzerland after the ordinary tour with us in Italy. Another Marcialonga guest who has worked all her life at SAS took the train, and will do it next winter again on one of other tours. There are many negative prejudices about train travel in Europe that we need to turn around. Like "it is so expensive". Combining 3 different vacations/business trips in one is much cheaper by train than by flying up and down or doing it three times back and forth. And more expensive for who? 1. It is not always more expensive with train. I have taken the train Stockholm - Switzerland for 1000 SEK (100 Euros) several times. It is unusual with such cheap air tickets to Switzerland, and most people forget costs for transfer to and from airports. 2. For people who got their cellars destroyed in Gävle or half of their houses in Germany and Belgium in last summers floods, a difference of sometimes a hundred Euros between train and air travel is n o t h i n g compared to the costs they have to cover now with their houses due to the climate change due to our lifestyle with all our emissions. 3. The ones it will really be expensive for are the ones who never can afford to travel, nor by air, nor by train. People living where coping with the climate change will not be possible, they will have to emigrate and they already are. The same argument that "it takes longer time" goes for number 2 and 3. For whom does it take longer time, repairing your house will take much longer and we, who have the privilege to choose between high emission travel or low emission travel, should be able to offer a night more on NightJet in order not to force millions of people having to emigrate as climate refugees. You have to sleep somewhere anyway and you do it well and comfortably on NightJet (night trains in Europe). So, we feel we are on the right track and are grateful for your support and the attention showed by We don't have time. Welcome aboard on our more sustainble tours! You find them all on /Ellika, CEO at Globalrunners

    • Ingmar Rentzhog

      111 w

      Fantastic answer. I wish more entrepreneurs were thinking like you are doing. I hope I will become one of your customers in the future. Globalrunners is a forerunner

      • Marine Stephan

        91 w

        @ellika_nyqvist This is such a great initiative, keep up the good work

      • We Don't Have Time

        111 w

        Dear Ingmar Rentzhog Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Global Runners and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

        • zelda ninga

          111 w

          It is indeed a good travel company for they are leading by example.

          • Maria Adelsköld

            119 w

            THIS IS TRUE LEADERSHIP. CLIMATE BEFORE SHORT-TERM PROFIT. Not the other way around. 🙌

            • Ellika Nyqvist

              111 w

              As a private company, we do intend to make profit at the same time though.

            • Neil van Niekerk

              119 w

              Seems like a great opportunity to collect data… 🤩

              • Johannes Luiga

                119 w

                Wow. True climate leadership! Best of luck.

                • Ellika Nyqvist

                  111 w


                • Patrick Kiash

                  119 w

                  Great and admirable

                  • Markus Lutteman

                    119 w

                    A bold move. Love it!

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