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Image of Stop Ecocide International

Stop Ecocide International

Climate love

Top international lawyers to make ecocide a crime against nature

A panel of top international lawyers assembled by the Stop Ecocide Foundation have published a legal definition of ecocide for the first time. Approving the right definition could pave the way for acts of environmental destruction to be prosecuted and condemned by the International Criminal Court, under the same consideration as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides and aggression. Behind the idea of drafting a proper, legal definition, stand international lawyers Philippe Sands and Dior Fall Sow, co-chairing the expert panel.

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Stop Ecocide International

140 w

Thank you for boosting visibility for our campaign! You can support ecocide law by signing our International Petition here: Once you’ve done that you can continue through to sign up as an Earth Protector, joining our global community to help support and fund expert legal and practical assistance for states progressing ecocide law at the International Criminal Court. Find out more about the new definition of ecocide here:

  • Marine Stephan

    90 w

    This is a very important topic! I hope it will be recognized soon

    • Stop Ecocide International

      140 w

      Thank you for boosting visibility for our campaign! You can support ecocide law by signing our International Petition here: Once you’ve done that you can continue through to sign up as an Earth Protector, joining our global community to help support and fund expert legal and practical assistance for states progressing ecocide law at the International Criminal Court. Find out more about the new definition of ecocide here:

      • Stop Ecocide International

        148 w

        Thank you for boosting visibility for our campaign! You can support ecocide law by signing our International Petition here: Once you’ve done that you can continue through to sign up as an Earth Protector, joining our global community to help support and fund expert legal and practical assistance for states progressing ecocide law at the International Criminal Court. Find out more about the new definition of ecocide here:

        • We Don't Have Time

          148 w

          Dear Jacqueline Marchelli Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Stop Ecocide and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

          • Ibrahim Adamu Abubakar

            149 w

            It should be treated as a crime against humanity and genocide because it is an existential threat humanity and the entire ecosystem as well as biodiversity.

            • Sarah Chabane

              149 w

              Thank you for sharing! The push for the recognition of ecocide is real, let's hope it leads to results!

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