Climate love
Image of James Hansen

James Hansen

Climate love

Greenhouse gases must be legally phased out

Greenhouse gas emissions should be subject to legal controls in the US and phased out under the Toxic Substances Control Act, according to a group of scientists and former public officials, in a novel approach to the climate crisis. “Using the TSCA would be one small step for [the US president] Joe Biden, but potentially a giant leap for humankind – as a first step towards making the polluters pay,” said James Hansen, a former Nasa scientist, who is a member of the group alongside Donn Viviani, a retired 35-year veteran of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

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  • hudson garrison


    80 w

    I hope that political figures would treat the subject of climate change seriously

    • Marine Stephan



      97 w

      It would be very good! Let's hope Biden listen

      • Edwin wangombe



        97 w

        I wish leaders would take the issue of climate change with the weight it deserves. I second the point of @JamesHarnsen

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