Dear Rotich Kim
Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Western Australia Police by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress!
To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you!
/Adam, We Don't Have Time
walter lungayi
69 w
It is concerning to see law enforcement officials demanding media organizations hand over footage of protests. This sets a dangerous precedent for press freedom and the ability to hold those in power accountable.
69 w
Persecution of climate protestors is very draconian
69 w
Protesting isn't a crime .. Protesters need protection
Ann Nyambura
69 w
The ABC should stand firm in protecting the rights of its journalists and their sources.
69 w
The state may use all kinds of discrimination to intimidate protesters but voices must be heard
Annett Michuki..
69 w
protesters rights needs protection
Rashid Kamau
69 w
@annett_michuki Human rights must be respected without discrimination
69 w
Dear Rotich Kim Your climate warning has received over 50 agrees! We have reached out to Western Australia Police by email and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! To reach more people and increase the chance of a response, click the Share button above to share the review on your social accounts. For every new member that joins We Don't Have Time from your network, we will plant a tree and attribute it to you! /Adam, We Don't Have Time
69 w
It is concerning to see law enforcement officials demanding media organizations hand over footage of protests. This sets a dangerous precedent for press freedom and the ability to hold those in power accountable.
69 w
Persecution of climate protestors is very draconian
69 w
Protesting isn't a crime .. Protesters need protection
69 w
The ABC should stand firm in protecting the rights of its journalists and their sources.
69 w
The state may use all kinds of discrimination to intimidate protesters but voices must be heard
69 w
protesters rights needs protection
69 w
@annett_michuki Human rights must be respected without discrimination
69 w
Is this what the authorities should be doing?