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Climate love

Highlighting the true impact of the fashion industry + tips for how to respond to company greenwashing

Thanks Maria for explaining some often overlooked details about the fashion industry's true impact! As consumers, it's easy to fall for companies who resort to greenwashing instead of transforming their core business models to achieve true sustainability. But with the tips presented in this blog post, I think it will be easier to both realize when you're being tricked by greenwashing, and more importantly - how to respond to these companies in order to start a constructive dialogue. Remember: consumer pressure and a constructive dialogue leads to change! Learn more here: Photo: Marianne Krohn / Unsplash

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time

160 w

Thank you for the climate love, and for spreading the word on greenwashing and sustainability issues regarding fast fashion! /Maria Soxbo/ (former


    160 w

    Thank you for the climate love, and for spreading the word on greenwashing and sustainability issues regarding fast fashion! /Maria Soxbo/ (former

    • We Don't Have Time

      168 w

      Dear Samuel Plumppu Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Husligheter and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Connor Lascelles

        168 w

        Thanks for sharing this. I think there is some reason to be hopeful with fashion. The younger people are more aware of the situation and they're turning towards buying second hand or from more planet friendly companies who produce things which last longer. I hope this trend grows. This is a great Ted Talk about why fashion is so polluting and what we can do about it.

        • Muhammad Fahd Khan

          182 w

          Production = Pollution Greenest of all and fairest of all The question is, should I buy all? To reduce climate impact, we need not to reduce our consumption but in fact, we need to STOP. STOP buying what you don't need, buy only when there is no other option or when it is beyond repair AND buy what is 'Deep Sustainable'

          Welcome, let's solve the climate crisis together
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