Climate love
Image of Tibber


Climate love

Tibber power utility

Tibber is a power utility that want you to save energy, and provides you with solutions and insight to do so. You will save money and the environment in one go. For full utilization of their offering some investments in infrastructure is needed, but since it is possible to get referral credits one can spend in gear it can be cheap.

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Pinned by We Don't Have Time


139 w

Hello Dag!! Happy that you highlight Tibber. The more who join us - the more we can reduce our unnecessary electricity consumption. Just as it should be in beginning of the 21st century! Who needs to have the lights on when you are not at home and why would you want to heat your home to 25 degrees when you are not at home or on holiday, for example.. The small steps count! ;) And of course, we only sell 100% renewable electricity and our products and services contributes to a smarter electricity system as a whole. Read more in our impact report if you are interested: /Philip, Sustainability Communication Manager

  • Markus Lutteman

    139 w

    I am happy @Tibber costumer as well. Love the smart EV charging function, (which saves money and flattens the the energy consumtion curve). Tibber also works really well with solar panels.

  • Tibber

    139 w

    Hello Dag!! Happy that you highlight Tibber. The more who join us - the more we can reduce our unnecessary electricity consumption. Just as it should be in beginning of the 21st century! Who needs to have the lights on when you are not at home and why would you want to heat your home to 25 degrees when you are not at home or on holiday, for example.. The small steps count! ;) And of course, we only sell 100% renewable electricity and our products and services contributes to a smarter electricity system as a whole. Read more in our impact report if you are interested: /Philip, Sustainability Communication Manager

    • We Don't Have Time

      139 w

      Dear Dag Blakstad Thank you for getting your climate love to level 2! We have reached out to Tibber and requested a response. I will keep you updated on any progress! /Adam We Don't Have Time

      • Henrik Sund

        139 w

        I’m a happy Tibber customer. Keep it up Tibber!

        • Tibber

          139 w

          Awesome! We are happy that you like us and will try our best to keep it up! ;) /Philip, Sustainability Communication Manager

        • Jehannes Ros

          139 w

          Nice. I hope timber is going to be a green provider that includes nuclear as well as hydro and wind plus solar.

          • Tibber

            139 w

            Hello Jehannes! :) Right now Tibber only sell 100% renewable electricity such as - wind, solar and hydro. /Philip, Sustainability Communication Manager

            • Jehannes Ros

              139 w

              @Tibber thx, I hope you will very soon improve this lack of all low carbon sources. Swedish nuclear is certified for 2.5gCO2/kWh.

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