Climate love
Image of UNDP


Climate love

Thankyou UNDP Hour For translating #DontChooseExtinction in Swahili dialect that represent huge global south region.

Thankyou UNDP hour for presenting great candid hour to the global audience. The audience team watching our hub from Nairobi Hub (Mount Kenya University) are very proud for translating #DontChooseExctiont to Swahili is superb! For that am giving you a big love for representing global south community that uses Swahili in their day in day out as their common language that unify them especially East and Central Africa. Kudos to @Rahma @Jamila and Moderator for that great interactive hour, and to all that made this possible. We need to raise this voices to all people in the globe through the language's they understand better! Together we can and truly #WeCanDoIt.

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68 w

Thank you for the kind words, Patrick! We are really proud that we were able to make the #DontChooseExtinction video available to so many people (It is available in 19 languages!), and we are thrilled that Jamila Mohammed agreed to voice the Swahili version. It's thanks to her hard work and that of everyone else working on the campaign, as well as all of you sharing and interacting, that our message has reached 2 billion people. Thank you for all your support!

  • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

    68 w

    I really love the don't choose extinction most!

    • Rukia Ahmed Abdi

      68 w

      Kudos!UNDP Sometimes language is a barrier to spreading the climate message. It's a great initiative, hopefully soon it will be available in over 100 languages

      • UNDP

        68 w

        Thank you for the kind words, Patrick! We are really proud that we were able to make the #DontChooseExtinction video available to so many people (It is available in 19 languages!), and we are thrilled that Jamila Mohammed agreed to voice the Swahili version. It's thanks to her hard work and that of everyone else working on the campaign, as well as all of you sharing and interacting, that our message has reached 2 billion people. Thank you for all your support!

        • Patrick Kiash

          68 w

          @UNDP Thankyou for the reply, keep up good work, together we can do it! I received link of the translation from @Rentzhog and we are sharing it widely, we translated our message of @wedonthavetime too in Swahili. Translating this important message to all diversity means a lot. Let save world by #DONTCHOOSEXTINCTION.

          • Ingmar Rentzhog

            68 w

            @UNDP 2 billion people are amazing! Keep it up 🦕

          • Ulla Sabelström

            77 w

            Det gick inte att se filmen

            • Muhammad Fahd Khan

              77 w

              It must be translated to all the languages. 💚 🌿 🌴

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